chapter 11 the final piece

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We got spat out of the USD and Mario was surrounded by all the guardian Pods and ax0l was there
Ax0l: oh you're all still here
Smg1: I know that's you zero release axol at once
Ax0l: with him I can make it nice and peaceful just.. just like it used to be
Mario got trapped in a crystal
Smg2: if this goes on Mario's gonna die
A missile hit ax0l and swag was inside
Swag: swag back again to save the day baby
He let go of Mario and smg4 and 3 hid him everyone was fighting ax0l and he blew down the final door where smg4 was trying to hide Mario the once friendly axol got the chest but instead of Mario it was smg3
Smg3:* shots ax0l what a digus mario isn't even here
Time skip

Ax0l turned into his final form everyone knew the end had come

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