chapter 1- first day

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Third person pov

The alarm goes off

It was Monday morning and the first day of school for Jacqulyn. Her and and her family had moved to Dallas Texas from Hawaii. It was also her first day in 10th grade. But the most important thing that jacky was most happy about was the fact that she would be able to see her bestfriend Kenisha they haven't seen each other since her and her family moved to Texas for her father's job.

"Jacky are up" her mom said knocking on her room door. "Yes mom I'm getting ready" Jacqulyn answered"are you dressed can I come in" her mom asked

" yes I'm finished" she answered " are you excited for your first day of school" her mom said coming in to sit on her bed, "I'm a little nervous" she said "why you're gonna be fine" her mom said "but I don't know anyone" she said.

"I'm sure your gonna make new friends" her mom said "I hope she said coming out if the bathroom "ok, let's get going you dont want to be late in your first day do you" her mom said. She grabbed her backpack and they left.

Jacky's pov

We pulled up to the school and got out of the car "are
you ready to go in" my mom asked "im nervous" I said "don't be, your gonna be fine.

We walked in and a lady lead us to the principals office.

*knock knock*

"Come in" a voice said, we walked and saw a woman sitting behind the desk "good morning you must be jacqulyn" the lady asked.

"Good morning and yes I am" I replied

"Welcome to 'Munroe's Academy' here us your schedule for the term" she said.

"Thank you" I replied.

I collected my schedule and we followed her to my first class of the day.
And I met my BFF Kenisha on the way.

Jordan's pov

Im sit g in class talking to my best friend Kirk when Kenisha walks in and goes to her seat then this beautiful light skinned girl with nice curves and pretty dimples walks in with the principal.

"Good morning everyone" principal Jones said.

"Good morning principal Jones" we replied.

"This is Jacqulyn Johnson she just transferred her from Hawaii and she will be a part of your class from now so make her feel at home" she said.

"Yes ma'am" we all said. After she left the girl sat in the seat between Kenisha and me I couldn't stop staring at her I was in such a daze that I didn't hear Ms Williams calling me.

"Mr Green are you paying attention" Mrs Williams said stapping out of my gaze then I realized the whole class including the girl was looking at me.

"Yes ma'am I was just a little distracted" I replied flashing a smile at the girl making her blush a little before she turned to face the chalkboard. Her dimples are so pretty I was determined to talk to her.

At lunch...

I walked into the cafeteria and saw her sitting by her self so I figured this was the perfect time to talk to her.

"Hi your in my class right what's your name" i asked.

"Yeah..and I thought principal Jones told you my name already" she replied in a soft voice.

"Yeah but I was too distracted by your beauty to hear anything she was saying" I said.

"Well thank you but I don't have that" she said I was shocked.

"You don't think your beautiful?" I asked.

"Just because im light skinned don't mean I'm pretty" she said looking away I could tell that she had low esteem problems but I was gonna change that.

"Well I know who said you weren't pretty but I think your beautiful. Not just because your light skinned but because your just naturally beautiful I.I mean your smile, those dimples, them curve you got that tried to hide with these big close but I still saw you just light every room that you walk into that's why I was so distracted I could get your name and you still didn't tell me your name" I said.

"Thanks that means a lot and my name is Jacqulyn but everybody calls me jacky" she said.

"That's a pretty name. Well jacky my name is Jordan but everybody call j " I said.

"It was nice meeting you J " she said.

"What class do you have next" I asked.

"Um science with Ms Farida " she said.

"Looks like we're in the same class" I  said. We continued talking until it was time our next class collected Jacky's number so could talk to her  we were  in pairs for the science experiment and we're in pairs for the assignment this couldn't get any better.

Hey guys❤

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

New chapter coming soon


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