who do you think you are

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Note : Jacky by the most popular girl in school after her and Jordan starts getting close

Jacky's pov 

I stood by my locker waiting for Jordan when Trisha the cheer captain walked up to me.

"hi new girl I'm just going to make because I have a class to go too but just stay away from Jordan ok"she said.

"but I'm not running after I was keeping to myself he came after me" I said.

"oh please like Jordan would neverrrr  run after a fatty like you ok who do you think you are... everyone knows that we are meant to be together he's the top basketball player and I'm the captain of the cheer squad we belong together and beside he's probably just using you to get straight A's I heard your quite the nerd"I said .

"I told you I not after Jordan"I shouted at her.

" oh really so your telling me you don't like him..at all"she asked and just looked away because I couldn't lie and say I didn't like him.

"that's what I thought but you see Jordan doesn't like fat girls so you never have a chance so just stay out of my way or else I will end your social life" she said before walking away.

I felt tears come to my eyes as I saw Jordan walking over to me.

"hey what's wrong" he asked looking concerned

"look Jordan I don't think we should be hanging out together anymore ok... I sick and tired of these girl coming after me thinking that we're dating ok and from what I hear you don't like fat girls so please don't have anything to say to me unless it has do with school work" I said to him as left wiping my tears.

Jordan tried talking to me during lunch and break but I didn't want to talked him we usually catch the bus home together Friday's because my mom picks me up on the days but today I left extra early to avoid him but to no avail.

I in relief when I took a seat on the bus but then I saw jordan on the bus.

"Jacky what's going on you told that we can't hang out anymore and that was you didn't give and explanation or anything"he said

"what happened because I know you didn't just wake and decided to just end our friendship " he said making eye contact with me but I just turned my head away

"Trisha came up to me  today and told me to stay out of her way because you and her were meant to be together and apparently I'm in the way" I said.

"but we're just friends and besides I don't even like her" he said.

"well you tell that to the judge because she thinks I'm trying to make a pass at you and I don't see how that's possible if you don't like girls like me anyway"I said.

"what do mean girls like you" he said.

"fat girls Jordan according to Trisha you don't like fat girls and I'm not popular like you guys I'm just trying to stay to myself and mind my own business but here I am being targeted by the most popular girl in school because somehow I'm stealing her future boyfriend that's why I think it's best that we don't hang out anymore because I don't want any problems" as soon as I finish saying what I had to say the bus stopped at my house and I grabbed my backpack and left.

short chapter but I'm trying to continue writing this book♥️💕

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