Chapter Two

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Chapter 2
Author's Note;
Hey guys!
So I finally figured out the pattern for this Fanfic of mine.
Haha, you'll know what I mean :D.
Chapter Two...
Btw, I recently realized that normal Akashi terms his members by their last names.
Hmm. Wouldn't that be similar to Midorima?
Here, jut read the chapter...
~Omniscient View~

"Teiko huh?" a black haired girl stood before the elaborate school of Teiko Junior High. "So, whadya think?" she looked to her side.

"It sounds awfully familiar," the other girl stated that got her a slap on the back by the black haired girl.

"Don't be ridiculous!" the girl glared at the black haired girl which made the girl flinch, she waved it off after a minute.

"Where's the car supposed to be?" the black haired girl shrugged.

"I don't even know," the other girl got a cold stare from the black haired girl.

"It's your car."

"So?" the black haired girl sighed.

"I'm just gonna go to the comfort room..." the black haired girl disappeared to the left, leaving the other girl behind wondering how familiar the name of her new school is for her but would shrug it off moments later.

~Kuroko's PoV~

I guess tomorrow's the start of our last year, I feel excited and saddened at the same time, because we are very close to disbanding.

'One last year before graduating,' I sighed sadly. I noticed that I was going down my usual road to my school, instead of going home straight, a couple of minutes later, I arrived in front of my school.

'So, it's not yet opened for students today, what an unexpected scene, I mean, tomorrow's the first day,' from the side of my eye, something familiar my sight. I looked directly at it. Can it be? No, it can't be.






It was just a deep peach-colored sign, I sighed.

~Omniscient View~

While the sky blue-nette stared at the sign, two specific girls were boarding their ride home, with one of them noticing the boy.

"What's he doing there? Staring at a sign?" one of them said.

"Where?" because of the energy that she use, the hair of the girl flipped and hit the girl beside her.

"You're hair please, it hurts to be hair-whipped."

"Oh sorry!" the girl retracted her long hair back. "So, where?"

"There," the girl pointed at the boy, but the other girl finds him invisible.

"You must be seeing things," the girl retracted and rested her back on her sit.

"No I'm not," then they started moving.

~Kuroko's PoV~

I thought there was something else there, I mean, someone else. Maybe my eyes were playing with me or something. I finally stopped staring at the sign when I felt like it was starting to get awkward, and continued making my way down town. (WALKING FAST FACES PASS AND I'M HOMEBOUND XDDDD - Author's Mind)

~Akashi's PoV~

The driver opened the door's car for me.

"Seijuurou-sama, your father ordered me to fetch you," I got into the car without any noise other than the noise that shutting the door produced.

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