Auntie Harpy to the rescue!

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If you told Moon from 2 months ago that he escaped from the sailors sea, moved to a safe river in the forest, finally made his first friend- who by the way, is a deer centaur named Sun- And is currently watching said friend making an attempt to climb a tree to return a little bird hatchling to it's nest. He would've swim away in fear and confusion because that is just ridiculous and you're probably crazy.

And now, he is living in the safest place, along with his friend/brother Sun, watching him fail to climb a tree for the fourth time after landing on his behind.


And then again, he was half way up the tree now, hanging by one arm on a branch, the other paw holding a very scared and confused hatchling.

Not even a minute later, his paw slipped and he fell on the ground with a loud OOF. Turns out Centaurs aren't really good at climbing due to the weight of their lower half.

And what can little Moonfry do? Nothing except screeching everytime his friend fell and telling him to be careful and get the other folks to help!

That, and worrying his mind out for both the little one and Sun until Sun- who is covered with scratches, dirt and leaves sticking out of his mane- shows him that the thing is still safe and sound, grinning with the face that can brighten up your day, telling him that he used his whole body to cover for the bird.

That's exactly what I'm worried about you stubborn fawn, you're covered with scratches!


He chirps.

And said stubborn fawn just shrugs. And turns away, heading back to the tree.

He wishes he could help, he doesn't weight that much and is very agile. He could probably climb the tree.

If he had legs instead of a fish tail.

Sun got six limbs and can walk on land, unfortunately Moon being the merfolk he is is not built to walk on land.

Being a fish is hard.


And being best friends with a folk whose talent is getting into dangerous situations is worse.

Suddenly, when attempting to climb again Sun's ears twitched and he froze.

Moon was about to ask what was wrong but then, he heard a call in the distant.


It sounded like... a chicken?

Then, Sun turns to face Moon, smiling even brighter, his tail is even wagging. He is excited for something, what is it?

"It's the Talkative Harpy!"

"The who?"
"Come on!"

And then his friend just bolted without an explanation, running and hopping alongside the riverbank. Moon followed, swimming along with him.

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