Spikes VS Chains

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There's something in Moon's river.

Wait... that sounds familiar?...

Nevermind. Strange things has been happening around his new home, someone... or something is living in his river for these past few days.

Now, Moon is not a selfish folk! In fact, anyone can visit and live near The Moon River just fine, he'd be happy to have company! Without Sun, it's kinda lonely you know?

Sun has his own things to do and Moon wouldn't want to be a hassle.

But this is different, the water is just moving a bit too fast, there are rarely any fish swimming around now, and whenever Moon is resting in his cave he could see claw marks on the rocks at the entrance.

That's not a good sign, never a good sign!

So he decided to search the river himself, Sun is out visiting The Wolf in a nearby town so he wouldn't be here if things go wrong but that's not a problem! Moon can take care of his own territory just fine.

Besides, Sun can't do much if it involves water, they're still working on his swimming skills(he insisted that it's okay but Sun is a terrible liar).

It's simple, the plan is find whoever is disrupting the peace and confront them, and try not to get physical. The fellow water friends just accepted him as their peacekeeper! He can't fail them by getting into fights already!

(No Sunnny-boy, you don't count because you were born here and they're used to you. I'm an outsider and just moved in! I have first impressions to make!)

But it seems like his plan has been thrown out of the forest, because right now Moon is having a glaring contest with a pair of eyes in the shadow of HIS cave, it's growling and unmoving, blood red staring into pink.

Moon on the other hand is crossing his arms and trying his best to ignore the stinging cut on his forehead, oozing out the copper smell of blood, mixing into the water.

Sigh... there goes his peaceful reputation...

while Moon is mourning the death of his 4 months streak of not getting into fights, he must have soften his gaze because the shadow lunges at him like a predator, chains-- chains?! --rattling behind it.

Moon dodges out of the way, the thing digs it's claws deep into the rocks behind him and got it stuck. Moon took that as an opportunity to dives in and tackle it, his own sharp scales digging into its thick skin, drawing blood. The figure is stunned enough for Moon to identify it as an... alligator?

What is an alligator even doing in this river!?

Looking at his confused expression, the alligator folk barks out a silent laugh, air bubbles escaping his mouth, startling him before it kicks back and sends them both to the surface of the river.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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