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"H-hey Dilan" i smiled nervasly "oh my god Delilah i thought you were dead!!" i am dead bitch "oh, haha well if i were dead, how would i be here" well honestly im still trying to figure that out "haha yeah, how are you doing were have you been hiding?"  i smiled, hes still dreamy  "oh, well i have been hanging around Alex since the night of the crash, my parents died and i just....... i survived and have been living with Al-" i was cut off "do u mean Alex Gaskarth? oh man i loved that guy!! is he here with you right now?" i nodded "oh cool!! can i go meet him? is he here with Jack too?" i nodded again ""Awesome, wasnt there that one nerd uh, Robert? Rainen?" was he talking about Rian? "Do u mean Rian?" i asked "yeah thats his name!!" i rolled my eyes, and hes suddenly not so attractive, well when ur talking about Alex and this guy, Alex is a thousond times better.

"DELILAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUPCAKEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard someone yell from behind, i turned around and saw Jack running towards me, once he reached me he lazyly drapped his arm around my shoulders "whos this Delilah, i told you not to talk to strangers!! fine, ill tell ou now, when you turn sixteen the curse will be broken and you can o back to the palace with your real family and the witch wont try to kill you with a spinning wheel!! me and the boys are actually your fairys and-" i cut him off "WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT JACK?? MY SIXTENTH BIRTHDAY PASSED YEARS AGO AND HOW COULD I HAVE S-" stopped myself from yealling 'how can i have sex with my fairy' oops!! " i mean" Jack stopped me "dont worry, we heard everything" he winked at me and i blushed "what does he mean 'we heard everything' Delilah?" i frozed, i compleatly forgot Dilan was there "nothin, hes just being a bitch, oh look at the time im starving is there breakfast ready im hoping at least one of you guys know how to cook maybe Flzik ok B Y E!!!" i rushed through my secntece and walked away quickly reaching the house before Dilan and Jack could get another word out of their mouths.

"There you are!!" I was greeted by Alexs embrace and a kiss on my hair "hey there" i smiled at him "does anyone know how to cook im starving!!!!!" OH MY GOD IM STARVING WHY AM I STARVING WHAT IS MY PROBLEM IM DEAD NOT SUPPOST TO BE STARVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STARVING??????? At least u can act like your still a ghost and just starve to death, it will just be a slow death and nobody will notice c; 


because your not worth livin babe c;

"THATS A LIE!!!!!!!" everyones heads turned my direction "whats a lie Delilah?" Jack asked, i noticed Dilan standing next to him "oh, she used to do that all the time, i think it started in 9th grade, so kinda when you guys left to be in a band, but nobody asked her about it because she always had that Josh guy around her" I covered my face with my hands

oh thats attractive, it will surly get you a boyfriend, maybe you should just pick up a razor see if it will make life better, remember those days?

"JUST SHUT UP, SHUT THE FUCK UP JUST STOP OH MY GOD STAHP AND LEAVE ME ALONE YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I yelled and ran out of the house, everyone had a confused look on their faces, they had no idea what was going on. No idea there was a monster i was trying to escape but i could never get away because the monster lived in my head "just shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up sh-" I was cut off "who you tellin to 'shut up' dear?" I looked up and had a mini heart attack............ well hello mister Carlile "oh, um no one haha" i laughed nervosly "im Austin, by the way" i smiled, ugh he was so adorable!! "yeah, i know, from Of Mice & Men, big fan!! im Delilah..........or cupcake, you can call me either one i will respond" he chuckled "okay Cupcake, do u mind telling me what you were so upset about?" I thought for a second "Austin, this is gonna sound a little wierd but i feel like i can tell you anything i just need to ask you, can i trust you?" he smiled "Cupcake, i promise yo can trust me" i gave him a warm smile "okay, well it all started............" i told him everything, from the my secret affair with Josh and the day i died, to sleeping with Alex and finally the voice who yells a me. No matter how crazy my story was, he never interrupted he just listened to what i had to say and waited till i was done until he spoke

"so ur telling me ur dead but coming back to life?" i nodded "what- why does this voice in your head keep yelling at you???" i shrugged "and im the only one who knows about all of this?" i nodded again "well, can i be that voice in your hed that tells you 'dont listen to them' or 'you are beatiful no matter what they say' please?" i laughed "dude you just quoted a song" we both laughed and san stupidly "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY WORDS CANT BRING YOUUUU DOWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY SINGLE WAY, WORDS CANT BRING YOUUU DOWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" We both laughed once we arrived at the beach house he was staying at "do you wanna come meet the band?" my smile grew wider and i put on the most innocent voice ever "yes please" he laughed at me and draged me inside "hey guys!!!!!!!! theres someone i want you to meet!!!!!" Alan ran in the room first with a kitty shirt on 'aww' i mentally said "hey there beautiful" he winked and i blushed, soon Tino walked in followed by Phill, they were discussing something about which room they were gonna have, and finally a very sleepy lookin Aaron showed "guys, this is Cupcake" i smiled as they all said their 'heys' and 'hellos' "hi guys" i smiled "wait, so ur parents really called you cupcake?" Tino asked, i giggled "no, thats a name my best friend gave me" he nodded "so whats your real name cupcake?" Alan asked flirtatiously "haha well, its actually Delilah" Aaron rubbed his eyes and said "thats a beautiful name, it was my grandmothers name (A/N it probably wasnt i just needed to say that, and if it was then YAY ME) i smiled "oh, i didnt know that haha" he smiled shily, god damn hes so fucking adorable!! "hey guys, wanna get smashed?" Phill burst out "IM IN!!" I jumped up "same" Austin said "YES!!" Tino yelled runin to the kitchen to get drinks "im really tierd, i think ill just sleep through this one" i nodded "okay, but your gonna be missing out!!!" Austin yelled behind him.

Who knows how much long later i was utterly drunk, i couldnt stand up strait and my sight was blurry, i guess i am comin back to life cuz i was smashed "heeeeeeeyyyyyyyy there muffin" Austin slured and drapped an arm around me, i gigled "its cupcaaaaaaaaakkkkke you idiot" i pocked his stomach. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face "god your pretty" i blushed as his lips smashed into mine, i jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to his room.

Next morning i woke up with the killer head ache and an arm limply around my waist, i couldnt remember what happened last night. I turned around and saw Austin fucking Carlile sleepin next to me "please have clothes on please have clothes on" i lifted the sheets and found both of us naked, just my luck "shit" i cursed...........


HOLY FUCK SHE SLEPT WITH AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!! what will Alex think? you guys probably hate me now c; oops!! i hope you liked it!!! vote/comment please i wanna know what you think!!!! i love you guys so much!!!!!!!

What He Can See (Alex Gaskarth Fan-Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora