Chapter 9: Hana's Past

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I came from a wealthy family and a happily family, and because of that everyone complements me and some of them are even jealous of me

But everything changed when my mom and dad divorced

My dad found out that my mom was cheating with his bestfriend

I really want to be with my dad but my mom did everything to get me away from my dad

After that I'm not able to enjoy my childhood I was always at home studying

While the other kids like me are enjoying outside with their friends

I'm always jealous of them because they are free to do anything unlike me who was imprisoned in my mom's house

I was home schooled in my whole elementary days

When I'm finally in high school I didn't made any friends because I realized that they we're just a nuisance in my life

Unluckily many people tried to befriend me but I pushed them all off by saying harshly things to them

I only need to fucos on my studies and how to get in the top 1

I don't need anything friends


"Hana you should join the field trip!" My mom said excitedly

"Mom I really don't want to join that field trip I prefer to just study in the house" I answered while reading my English book

"But hana honey it says you will gain extra points if you joined the field trip"

She brags about how many points I will get if I joined the field trip again and again

I stand up and was about to go to my room but my mom throws the vase on the wall near me

I looked at her in disbelief

"Hana stop being disobedient and joined that field trip!"

"Fine! It's not like I have a choice anyway" I shouted and slammed the door closed

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