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Cherry's POV

'Why the hell did I let that happen last night. God, I'm so stupid. I told myself never get with someone for no reason. I don't even like him and he doesn't like me. FUCK!' I think to myself. Throwing myself on my bed face planting into my pillows. And then I hear a knock. What the fuck could it be this time? I'm fuming.

"What?" I ask the door bluntly. Not moving from my position on the bed.

"It's Jess, can I come in?" She says softly. Oh god what if Joe told Jess and Jamie. Jamie's going to be so mad.

"Yeah" I say and sit up making sure I look decent.
Jess enters, closing my door behind her looking as if she wants to have a serious conversation. What if I'm getting kicked out because I almost fucked their other guest. Oh God, oh God, oh God!

"What's up?" I ask, putting on my best facade.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see how you're doing with everything, the Alex situation? Settling in here? Being around another stranger? I know it could be a lot so I wanted to make sure you're alright and maybe if you want to go do something fun to get out of the house we can make plans?" I can see why Jamie loves her. She speaks so comfortingly and she's so kind and considerate even of people she doesn't know too well. She almost feels like an older sister.

"Ummm yeah, about Alex, I think it's still too heavy to talk about right now, but eventually I will say something about it. And I'm settling in alright, it's a bit tough on my anxiety being around people 24/7 but I think it's better than being alone most of the time and I'm so so grateful to you and Jamie for letting me stay, really." I smile at her, avoiding having to answer about how it is being around Joseph.

"I'm so glad Cher. I'm sure everything is a lot right now but things will ease off soon trust me. But is everything alright being around Joe? It's a bit weird for me too not knowing him but having him around so much, but he's Jamies friend so it's alright. I just want to make sure it's not weird or you don't feel uncomfortable only being separated by a thin wall and door at night." She giggled quietly.

"Yeah it's okay, I think I still need to get used to him being there, I almost walked in on him in the bathroom because I almost forgot I was sharing the bathroom. But he seems nice, I think he tries to get me to have conversations with him, but my anxiety and everything with Alex is kind of stopping me from doing that." Jess stops me before I can say more.

"You walked in on him in the bathroom?! Oh my God!" She says loudly, I go to cover her mouth while we both laugh.

"Shush! Not fully walked in, I realised he was in there the second I pushed on the door to open it and quickly shut my eyes and slammed it shut and ran to my room." I say embarrassed.

"Oh my God! Was he naked???" She says loudly again, with the thin walls I wouldn't be surprised if Joe could here us gossiping.

"Yes..." I clamp my eyes shut in embarrassment.

"Aaaaaa!!!! Did you see it??" Jess leans in as if this is an extremely interesting piece of news despite having Jamie as her boyfriend.

"Jess you better hope Jam isn't listening through the door."

"Nah, he wouldn't care. Now you didn't hear this from me as Jamie might tell you too and I'm only telling you because it's something we recently discussed...but we're in an open relationship now, but only for sex...like sex still together but having people with us like threesome/foursome etc." Woah. That was not what I was expecting.

"Oh wow. Does that mean...you guys...and Joe?" This wasn't something that would have popped into my mind before but now that it has, seems like an interesting time.

"I don't know, we decide on who we want together so we don't feel uncomfortable, and it's not with random people because we don't want to catch anything, it's with friends who are up to it, close people. I mean you know Jamie and I, we're probably the most outgoing couple we know. And when you're young and able why not have as much fun as possible, ya know?"

"That makes sense, and I don't judge, it seems interesting." I say, not really knowing how to respond to something like that.

"Yeah, I mean if you think it would be fun, let me know, I know you and Jamie have known each other since childhood so you may say no out of awkwardness but just bring it up to me and I can discuss it as if I had the idea so if he says no it was never your idea." Jess winks at me and stands up. "I need to go to the shop quickly, I'll leave you to it, see ya later." She smiles and exits my room, closing the door behind her.

I'm left sat in shock.

Joe's POV

"..Oh my God!" I hear Jess shout from Cherry's room. Thinking it was something bad, I walk up to the door, close enough so I could hear if it was a good oh my god or a bad one.

"Was he naked??" I heard Jess say. Was who naked? Oh no...they're talking about Cherry walking in on me in the bathroom after my shower aren't they. I keep listening to check if she says anything more about the encounter.

"Did you see it?" Jess asked, I'm guessing she was implying about my dick, God I hope she didn't....unless that's why she avoided me this morning?

"Jess you better hope Jam isn't listening through the door" I back away in case they come to check if anyone is eavesdropping because Jam isn't at the door, I am.

I back off, returning to my bed, reading my book quietly until I hear the words 'you guys and Joe', who on earth is 'you guys'? I walk back to the door separating our rooms and listen in on their conversation once again.

After several minutes of them talking I step away from the door in utter shock. Are they implying they'd ask me for a threesome? Is Cherry involved? Why did she say 'it seems interesting'??

The door to Cherry's room suddenly opens and closes and I busy myself pretending to tidy up my room.

"Hey Joe!" Jess says cheerfully, continuing on her way to the rest of the house before I got a chance to speak.

I'm left standing in shock.

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