The Plan

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Cherry's POV:

Joe and I sit back down at the table, feeling extremely flustered. Praying Jess and Jamie can't read through me as well as Joe, I avoid eye contact and start eating my dinner, along with everyone else at the table.

A buzz comes from my purse, knowing it was going to be a text from Matty I ignore it, until it buzzes again...then again...and again.

"Well you're popular tonight aren't you.." Jamie laughed, I make up a dumb excuse hoping Joe doesn't read into it much.

"It's just Lucas, he's planning to come home soon, I told him to send me the details and I'd call him tomorrow." I say looking down at my food, twirling the pasta around with the fork.

"Who's Lucas?" Joe asks.

"My brother, he's been off traveling the world with his friends and is coming back soon I hope." I reply. My knee starts bouncing again, thinking of what's really on my mind until I feel the familiar sensation of Joe's hand on my thigh, drawing circles on my skin.

"That's cool, is he younger or older?" Joe keeps the conversation going to avoid the awkward silence.

"Younger, but he definitely acts older, all protective of me and shit, but he's pretty much the only family I have so I love him to bits." My tone shallows when I bring up my family.

"Guess what guys!" Jess almost shouts. We all look at her waiting for her to elaborate.

"We just got invited to a club event just on the other side of town if you guys are up for it after we're done here?"

"Yeah that sounds great" Jamie comments and Joe agrees at the same time.

"Sounds fun, I just need to get changed I think my dress is a bit too fancy for a club." I laugh.


Joe's POV:

After dinner we come back to Jamie's so Cherry and Jess can change their outfits.

Cherry knocks on the door separating our rooms "Yes?" I ask. The door slowly opens and only her arms stick out, holding out a dress.

"This one...orrrrrr...this one?" She asks from behind the door.

(1st dress)

(2nd dress)

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(2nd dress)

"Wow, umm, second one I'd say, but it's more up to you, whichever you feel more comfortable in at the night of the night obviously

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"Wow, umm, second one I'd say, but it's more up to you, whichever you feel more comfortable in at the night of the night obviously." I feel my face heating up as I speak.

Cherry closes the door and I hear a bunch of rustling and a giggle seconds before the door swings open revealing her stunning figure with the second dress hugging her hips just right.
I stand up quickly to start walking towards the kitchen hoping she doesn't notice she's made me hard.

Cherrys POV:

Joe suggests I put on my second option for what to wear at the club. I close the door behind me slipping on the dress, but as I bend down I see a tiny baggy filled with a white powder. Without thinking I snatch it up from the ground and take a hit. My body instantly relaxes and I accidentally let out a small laugh.

Brushing my hands off on my dress I compose myself and walk out of my room, Joe instantly stands up, hands covering his private area, holy shit he's horny I laugh in my head.

We walk out into the kitchen meeting up with Jamie and Jess.

"God Cher you're so hot!" Jess exclaims.

We make our way to the party, Jess, Joe and I in the back seats of the taxi whilst Jamie sits in the passenger seat.

I keep thinking back to the way Joe hid his boner, so so decide to tease him. I cross my legs to hide Jess from seeing what I'm doing out the corner of her eye.

"Anyone want a drink before we get there?" I pull a small bottle of vodka and whisky out my purse. Jess takes the vodka and shares with Jamie as I proceed to take a large shot of the whiskey. Joe does too, he passes the bottle back to me and I begin my plan.

Placing my hand on his upper thigh I feel him tense up. I lay my head on his shoulder cuddling up to him in the last five minutes of our car ride. My thumb swirls a figure eight pattern over and over as I look up with my best puppy dog eyes. We lock eye contact, Joe looking down at me with desperation in his face.

I inch my hand up towards his dick, keeping my eyes looking up at Joe, and without breaking eye contact he abruptly grasps my hand stopping it from moving any further up. He takes a deep ragged breath. My job here is done.

*Sorry for the short-ish chapter, I'm overworked at my job and in the process of moving so I have a bit of writers block, this chapter was so long in the making. Please bear with me, I'll be updating with another soon!!  - L :)

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