part 1

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it was a normal day for aden and jonah. They were sitting on their couch watching tv."Hey Jonah do you think if we start a mafia we could kill our enemys?" Aden asked Jonah looked over at them "Well yeah but why tho?" Jonah asked Aden just shrugged "why not?" Jonah just said "ok then" he went back to watching tv. Aden got their phone out only to see a text from the leader saying 'trenger at du og jonah kommer tilbake til basen nå' Aden looked at jonah "Hey the red leader wants us back at the base""Hey the red leader wants us back at the base right now" Jonah looked at him "Why? Were off all week!" Aden shrugged "Im not sure bit i dont wanna deal with his wrath so lets get going." Jonah sighed "fine". Aden nodded "Back to the uniforms" Aden went to her room "yep Jonah said walking to his room to change.Afterward they grabbed their stuff and animals tori and void and left for the army base. Jonah was driving while Aden was wondering whats going on "Do you think were introuble?"Aden asked Jonah answered "I dont think so we do what were told..most of the time" Aden nodded "True but what if Paul and Pat said somthing they didnt mean to?"Jonah sighed and said " Sounds more like pat and paul keeps him in check so, but maybe they crashed again and were being called because we can drive a plane without crashing." Aden looked at him "You mean you are i can hardly drive a car man" Jonah replied "Well nether can i but here i am" Aden sighed and turned up the raidio up.After driving for about an hour they park and start walking."Hope were not introuble unless we were blamed on something we didnt do i mean soldiers herer are rude jackasses"Jonah shrugged "And most not all but most females here are only here to sleep with the soldiers thats pretty much it." Jonah said Aden nodded "Yeah what are they called again?Bunk bunnies?" Jonah just shrugged

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