Chapter One: New Beginnings

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Chapter Warnings: Mentions of death, implied previous abusive/toxic relationship, reader doubting herself and mentions of Bucky's past as The Winter Soldier and how he wasn't in control. I also wanted to mention that in this, reader has a good relationship with her parents and family, since I know it can be a tough subject for some.


Heading up the stairs to his apartment, Bucky hums a little tune to himself. He isn't expecting much from today, just another laid back day. Honestly, he still isn't used to having these kinds of days, ones where he's in control of himself and what he does, and he can choose to just do nothing. In all honesty, Bucky thinks he'll never be used to that. Or at least, not any time soon.

However, when he rounds the corner, Bucky sees a sight he wasn't expecting at the end of the hallway - a woman lifting box after box, and taking them into an apartment. His previous neighbour moved out a few weeks ago so she could move in with her boyfriend, meaning this must be his new neighbour. As the woman continues to move everything into her apartment, Bucky watches her, smiling a little. She seems nice, and he'd be lying if he said if he didn't find her pretty cute.

And he's staring at her like a weirdo without even offering her his help. Way to be a hero, Bucky.

"Hey, do you need some help lifting those?" He offers. The woman looks up. When she makes eye contact with Bucky, she smiles.

"Uh no, actually. I should be okay. Thanks though." She holds out a hand, which Bucky shakes. "My name's Y/N. I just moved here."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Bucky. I'm one of your new neighbours. Sure you don't need any help?" She shakes her head again.

"No, honestly I'm okay." Her words are a little quicker and sharper than Bucky expected, and when Y/N realises, she sighs. "God, sorry. That didn't come out right."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not. You were just trying to help. Sorry Bucky." Even though he still doesn't think she has to apologise, Bucky accepts her apology. "It's just these last two, anyway."

"Well, okay. If you need any help, I'm just at the end of the hall in number 212." He gestures down the hall, and she nods. And with that, Bucky turns and goes back to his apartment. Y/N watches him go. As soon as he's out of sight, she groans, massaging her temples.

"Fuck. Why did I do that?!" she hisses. "Way to mess it up with your cute neighbour before you even know him, Y/N." Sighing Y/N glances back down the hallway, right at Bucky's door. He seems really sweet, but the last thing she wants is to get too close to someone and end up getting hurt or hurting them. Especially after her most recent heartbreak. With another sigh, Y/N grabs the last of her boxes and opens the door to her apartment.


The next time the new neighbours see each other is a few days later, when Bucky is just back from the supermarket, laden down with various bags of food. When he reaches his floor, he glances down the hallway and sees Y/N balancing various books in her arms, her keys dangling from her mouth. Suddenly, a book slips out of her grasp, thudding against the floor. "Shit." She hisses. Before she can even bend down to pick it up, Bucky has all but abandoned his bags and is rushing over to help her.

"Let me get that." He says, picking up the book. He takes a quick glance at the cover: "How to Run a Business for Dummies."

"Thanks." Y/N murmurs.

"And I guess you need help to get inside, too?" Bucky chuckles.

"Is it that obvious?" Bucky gently takes the keys from her mouth and opens her door, holding it open for her. Y/N dumps her enormous stack of books on her counter, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thanks for that, Bucky. Can I, um... get you some tea, coffee or anything?" She offers. Bucky takes a moment to think it over. Sure, he'd like to get to know his new neighbour better, but he hasn't really been close to anyone since being pardoned.

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