Chapter 1 : A normal day at work

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Shrek POV :
As I gazed afar outside the cafe I wondered to myself. 'What would it feel to be a water droplet, rolling down the window. I wonder if water droplets had eyes and saw how people act like they in a sad music video as they gaze at the windows of their vehicle what would they think or do. Me personally if I was a water droplet and I saw that I would definitely give that person a BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE.'
"CLICK." my coworker snapped his fingers at me which pulled me out of my trance immediately.
"You have customers , Shrek."
'they way he says my name has me feeling waves of emotions. No Shrek you can't have feeling for him, he will only hurt you.'
(For context Shrek had gone through a tough break up with this coworker and hasn't gotten over him, coworker name is Hercules)
I pulled myself to the counter where an older gentleman was waiting.
"What can I get for you sir?" I said with a smile.
"Can I get a deez nuts latte?" He said whilst pointing to the pecan, caramel, pumpkin spice , cashew nuts, peanut , 2 pumps passion fruit, 3.14 ice cubes and vanilla swirl latte.
I made the latte and handed it over to the old man.
"That will be 5.45 ."
Then suddenly as the man bent down to get the money a young, businessman appeared,
He looked around the same age as me maybe slightly older. He had dark dirt coloured hair, and the most gorgeous eyes.
"Do you always stare at young, dangerous men or is it just me?"

Two hearts ( love triangle Shrek x Grug x Daddy pig) Where stories live. Discover now