chapter 3: This little life.

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The man covered in tattoos pulled Grug by his collar , making Grug standup by force. Oddly I found it attractive. I wish he could do that to me. The tattooed man then dragged Grug to the wall still holding onto his collar. Their lips were merely inches apart.
"Stoop, don't fight over mee. "Shrek said  whilst pointing his two index fingers together.
"Who the fuck is this ugly bitch?"the tattooed man said.
"I'm on a high right now and you can't bring me down." I replied back quoting the Queen gypsy rose.
"Whatever just leave my eyes are burning the more I see you."
My ego was shattered so I ran to the nearest exit .Once outside drops of tears fell onto my cheek.
I walked back to the cafe still hurt by the tattooed man's words.

At the cafe Hercules saw my aura was down
And asked
"Are you okay?"
"I think I like this little life. This little life."
I lied

I found myself daydreaming about grug and that tattooed man's interaction today. Who was he. Even though he insulted my entire existence I felt drawn towards him.Its probably my daddy issues acting up again.

It was closing time now. As I stepped outside the cafe I heard the same voice from earlier today.
"Hello sweetheart. We need to talk!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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Two hearts ( love triangle Shrek x Grug x Daddy pig) Where stories live. Discover now