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Olivia: "Y/N, y/n, Y/N, wake up, wake upppp."

I groan and turn back over facing away from the girl, pulling the covers over my head to hide the light on my face. 

Olivia: "Seriously dude, we have to go it's Friday and school starts in 20 minutes. You need to get ready. Plus we have to pick up Brody."

The brunette starts to shake my body ferociously as I finally give in to Olivia. I pull the cover from my head and sit up adjusting my eyes to the light.

Y/N: "Fine just leave me alone."

Olivia walks over to my closet grabbing my clothes for the day. She likes to pick out my clothes. since we share a dorm it doesn't bother me. 

My eyes go straight to my phone that is laying on the dresser. Picking it up, no notifications. My lips curve down. I place my phone back on the bed leaving it alone.

Olivia: "What's with the runny lips?"

Y/N: "Nothing. I'm fine."

Olivia walks over to my bed placing my clothes beside me before putting her hands on my shoulders. 

Olivia: "I know you're way too well for you to be saying, I'm fine."

I look down at my hands as I avert my gaze back to her eyes. She won't back down so I might as well tell her.

Y/N: "I don't want to go."

Olivia: "Well you haven't been out since Tara, you need to get out and meet new people."

Y/N: "Well she hasn't texted me since she knew I was ghostface but I didn't even hurt her I tried to protect her from Amber and Richie. They were both stupid anyways and betrayed the plan."

Olivia: "Look all i'm saying is since you were one of the ghostfaces last time, while you guys were dating she dropped you. You didn't hurt her or touch her. You need to get over her and get out and meet new people."

I droop my head down as I feel guilt rush back in through my bones. I never wanted to be ghostface but no, Amber had to ruin everything. Olivia rubbed my shoulders before getting back up and heading into the bathroom.

Olivia: "Just hurry up and get ready I know it's hard but c'mon."

Y/N: "Yeah I just don't want to see her today."

I watched as Olivia was straightening her hair finishing herself up for the day. So I started to get up and get ready. Throwing on a blue hoodie and white sweatpants for school. I put my long brown hair into a low bun for the day. 

Olivia: "Alright are you ready?"

Y/N: "No."

Olivia: "Well too bad let's go."

Olivia and I walked out of our dorm room. Walking outside with a great view of New York City. We hopped into the car as Olivia drove us to go get her crush. Brody.  

As we pulled up to his dorm her hopped into the back seat.

Brody: "Hey y/n you're actually leaving your room."

Y/N: "Nice to see you too."

Brody: "Should we ask her liv?"

Y/N: "Ask me what?"

I raise my eyebrows in confusion as Olivia smiles and nods not taking her eyes off the road as she drives us to our classes.

Brody: "So me and liv were wondering if you wanted to go to a party later tonight."

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