Chapter 6: The Kick

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"Yumi, please don't do that." I playfully scold my manager who barges in on a Monday morning.

She smiles cheekily at me while roaming around my living room, checking out every item delivered to me earlier.

"I was not informed your house turned into a gift shop already. I'm buying, how much is this?" She points to a bunch of tulips I just transferred in a vase.

I pout to hide my smile. "Yumi, stop teasing me. It's not funny." Ha Joon is really asking for it. He's definitely gonna hear from me this time. He needs to stop sending random items or else I'd have to move out of my own house to accommodate his collection.

She throws me a funny look, moving her brows up and down. "Tsk, can you ask Ha Joon for me if he has any brother I could date?"

I roll my eyes."Sorry, he's an only child."


She sits on the couch across me while sniffing a piece of tulip she picked from the bunch she pointed at earlier.

"Ah anyway, the agency is pitching a project." 

I suddenly get excited. It's been months since my last one and I couldn't wait to start another.

"Oh, what is it? Have they sent over any draft yet?"

"It's an OST for a new drama they're starting at the end of the year.Some romcom."

"Oh that's interesting."

I only ever did OSTs for melos before, so this should be a breath of fresh air, Though it would still really depend on the message and melody of the song. Sometimes you couldn't tell the drama genre the song was for.

"You'll be working closely with the actors though. The director even brought up a cameo role for you.Something about old flames or noona romance.Nothing concrete yet."

I stopped reading the book I've been trying to finish for a week now. "Cameo?"

"Yup, ah they will be sending the music demo and initial script at the end of this week. What do you think?"

I've had experience with a few cameos before, so I guess I should be fine.

"I'll have to see the script first then let's see about the cameo.But can't we ask them to send in the music demo sooner?"

Kriiing! The doorbell interrupts before she can answer me.

Yumi gets up to see who's buzzing in. 

She turns around to face me. "And that's my cue to leave. I'll text you more details once I confirm about the demo and script. Go meet you man."

I roll my eyes. Seriously? Yumi keeps on getting on my nerves today.

Or you just got your period, that's why.

There goes my subconscious again.

"Morning Yumi, drive safely." I hear him say before I look up to see him wave at her on her way out.

"Hi." I greet him without getting up from my comfortable reading position.

"Morning..." He plants a kiss on my cheek while placing a box of chocolates on the table in front of me. 

"Aw!" He scoops me out of my seat and places me on his lap after sitting on the couch.

I slap his chest while lightly laughing. 

"Ha Joon, do you want me to end up homeless?" 

He frowns upon my question and stares at me blankly.

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