Chapter 10: The Actors

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"Cut! Good work everyone." The director praises us for today's work. We are wrapping up early.

I only have two more filming days for my cameo. To my surprise, I feel like I will really miss doing this. The crew is very nice to work with. As for the soundtrack, I started recording yesterday. We are doing the second version the day after tomorrow.

"Hye Soo!" I hear someone shout my name. When I turn around, I see Kang Min waving happily. He is the male lead in the drama and I play the role of his past love interest. I stop and wait for him as he seems to have something to say. He is very gentlemanly and treats everyone with the same kindness.

I wave back at him and smile as he approaches.

"Would you like to join us for dinner?"

I am about to decline but Ara, the female lead comes up behind him and seconded.

"Hye Soo love! Please join us, pretty please..." Aw, she is the sweetest and even if I try to, I can't refuse her. I find it really odd that she calls me that way but I see no harm so I just let her even if she's a little younger than me. She has a bubbly personality but I sometimes catch some forthcoming nuances which I find a little out of ordinary because most of the actresses I have met before were either very shy or quiet.

I have plans with Ha Joon, but it's not until 7:00 PM so I guess I could join them for an hour or so.

I look at them softly and nod. "Okay, but I can only promise an hour or so as I have prior commitment."

"One hour's enough for us!" Ara exclaims. Ever since day one, she has been very friendly to me. Same with Kang Min. I can sometimes see Jihwan and Yoona when I look at them. Right, I need to visit the shelter soon. I am missing all of them there.

After finishing up, we went to a pub nearby. The other crew members have joined as well. 

"Hye Soo, would you like to have an alcoholic beverage?" Kang Min, who is about my age, asks nicely.

"Uhm, sorry just blue lemonade for me." I don't really drink that often, especially if I am with co-workers. I have maintained that since I entered this industry. I always believed that it's better to be safe than sorry. In our line of work, we have to be very careful especially if we are in settings like this. Not that we have to pretend but, being cautious wouldn't hurt. The last thing we want are intriguing articles coming out.

I suddenly remember the issue that I have to deal with when Ha Joon comes back later. 

What will you do if it turns out to be true? My subconscious questions me, probably raising a brow. 

I shake my head lightly. No, that's ridiculous. Ha Joon will not do that and I believe in him, in us.

"Hye Soo love, are we that corny we can't even make you smile?"

I realize I just zoned out. I smile at Ara and assure her. "No, sorry I just recalled something."

She and Kang Min are the talkative ones in the group. The crews are a little shy to talk back. I sometimes butt in to make some jokes but I guess I'm really poor at making them so they just tease me ever so slightly.

I notice Ara is now on her third shot of beer. I am quite worried that she'll get intoxicated. "Ara, take it easy." I pat her back a little. She surprises me by catching my hand and holding it tightly. She looks into my eyes and gives me the sincerest compliment I have received in a while. "Hye Soo love-" She hiccups.Too late, she seems a little drunk now. "You-" another hiccup. "You-you are really the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Then she touches my cheek softly as if inspecting my existence. She hiccups again. "Are… Are you for real?"

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