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There is nothing that breaks as much as a heart does.

Penny thought so too.

It was why she had taken solace in the bottle when her fiancee, ex-a slip of the tongue I'm sorry, decided to run off with his secretary - and her money.

Oh, you bet that she let them run off into the sunset. They were caught by a very fervent police officer father, their asses on fire, ready to cool in a county jail. By the time they'd be out, she'd have a child in elementary school.

But one couldn't just have a child out of the air, could they?

Penny knew that it was time to get back onto the dating scene, marry and have a baby in that order.

Date, marry, have a baby. Date, marry... Date, marry, have a baby?


She never remembered things these days, the alcohol too potent, churning her brain into paste she assumed because everything was such a haze.

Her father had brought his counselor friends over, her mother had brought her gossip ex-wives coterie over, each one with their own expression of love and concern.

Get your shit together Penny, dad had said, deep frown along the lines on his face. Mom was distinct as always. Oh gross, you smell horrible, jeez stop being such a waste.

Penny thought she was the nicest that day.

But as annoying as they were, they were right, those two.

She should stop drinking, you know? Keep the bottle away, go to AA, join the choir, that type of thing that determined people did.

The thing was she wasn't that determined. Oh, forget what her high school counselor had said. She should see her now, apartment the smell of a shit, eat those words.

Penny would rather drink than spend all her days moping.

But it could affect your womb, a little voice would say in her head from time to time.

Yeah yeah, go take a piss, she'd reply. Then, she'd take another sip.

Ah. This thing hit right.

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