Chapter 1- "The Broken Boy"

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Ashley's P.O.V

I groaned as I opened my eyes to the blinding bright light of day. I rolled my eyes and I jumped off my bed. Another day of fucking hell.

This place was seriously the worst place one could go to. People here are calm, as long as you don't mess with them. Usually, the real bad ones are put somewhere else, and the "normal" ones get to run all over the place. Oh, before you get confused, this place is an Asylum. We're all mad here, just some more than others.

I stretched and I yawned before I made my way outside my room. I fell asleep in my normal clothing so I'll just bathe later. I walked down the halls of this place, spotting people laughing and talking to others, while some sat on the floor and shook like if they were in an earthquake. It was sad seeing them like this, but if you're that far gone, it's almost impossible to get you back.

I was placed here due to my Schizophrenia, but I've managed to learn how to control it throughout time, so it's not as bad. I kept my eyes straight as I walked through the seemingly endless halls. Soon, I arrived at the canteen and I quickly spotted my usual table. I walked over to my table and I was greeted by Jinxx and CC's faces.

CC happily chirped at me as I approached him. He started waving at me like an idiot and I smiled at him and rolled my eyes. He smiled goofily at me and I sat down next to him, like I usually do. CC has PTSD, he had to watch his parents get murdered in front of him, and that made him snap. He's still happy and he's very sociable, but when he's outside the walls of this place, it's like if he dies and his mind just becomes depressed. In here, he's happy and cheerful.

Jinxx has Multi-Personality Disorder. He can be calm and collected when he wants to be, but if he gets pissed, then I pity the person who he takes his anger out on. He can start blathering nonsense and seem like he wants to kill someone for a while, then he'll be shy and he'll be silent as if he was threatened. I never knew what triggered this in him, he's not very open about his past.

CC bear-hugged me as I took my seat next to him "Dude!" he yelled "How much sleep do you need!? Seriously man!". I just chuckled at him "I was tired, let me be". He rolled his eyes on me and started talking about something. I didn't really pay attention, but something did get it back "I heard we're having someone new today". Now, that was interesting.

We haven't had someone new come here since about maybe 3 years ago. That was Jake, but the lazy ass was let free quickly cuz' all he did was sleep and eat. He seemed perfectly normal and there wasn't really anything wrong with him. I put my attention to Jinxx since he spoke next "Most people are bidding on what they're gonna be like. Some thinks it a girl others a boy. Some think they're gonna come in crying and others acting all cocky and trying to resist".

I smiled at that. A bid, that's what I needed to see right now. I smirked at Jinxx "Where are the biddings?". He smiled at me "In the entrance where we all come in". With a cocky grin on my face, I stood up and I dashed to halls. I ran down them for a while until I reached the entrance. It was locked from the inside, you could only open it through the outside, never from the inside.

I saw everyone bidding in different places, but I just stood there watching them. I spotted my pal' Gerard and I went over to him. I didn't really know what was wrong with him, but he was insane alright. He could kill you by just staring at you with those eyes of his. He was mad, but he was a nice guy. He smiled at me "Hey Ash, you gonna bid?" I shook my head "I'm just here to watch". He smiled at me "Well, you got here just in time, they're bring em' in a couple of minutes". I smirked "Can I stay with you?" I asked. He shook his head and smiled "That's a dumb question, you know you can".

I just chuckled and I re-directed my gaze to the entrance. The entrance was in a floor below and we were standing in a balcony of sorts. We had fences covering us so we couldn't go down there, but we could get a clear view of who went in and out.

Andley- "The Broken Boy" (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now