Chapter 9- "Good Night Bright Eyes"

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Ashley's P.O.V

It was night time now.

Juliet had arranged everyone into their own homes, so the only ones here were Jinxx, CC, Juliet, Matt, Andy, and me.

Everyone had their own room, though CC and Jinxx decided to sleep together. I had a feeling Jinxx liked CC, but well, CC's too blind when it comes to those things. Well, I have a room too. But, well, I ended up here, right next to Andy, watching him play with my hair as he curled up into my chest.

He wasn't tired, it was obvious. His bright blue eyes were wide open and the light from the moon that cascaded over the open window reflected on his eyes. His pale skin and beautiful black long hair made his pop out even more. He looked so innocent. It just made my heart do back flips. I was head over heels for him.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me. I rested my forehead against his for a second before I attached my lips to his. His beautiful, soft, warm, plump lips. I ran my hand over his waist, loving the feel of the slight curve there. I felt him kissing back, and that made me happy. He was getting used to me.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, slightly tugging. Andy pulled back and looked into my eyes. He was so beautiful. He got closer to me and I reattached our lips. I tugged at his hair with one hand while the other only held his back, pulling him closer and closer to me by the second. I loved the feel of his lips. The feel of his body. I loved everything about him.

I gently crawled onto him, slowly pinning him down onto the bed. My lips never left his as I let my hands roam all over his body. I played with the he  of his shirt before gently pushing my hand under it, making his shirt roll up a bit. I slightly but his lip and tugged at it, he moaned and I took the opportunity to stick my tongue inside his wet cavern. 

I savored him, loving the taste. I trailed my hand higher into his shirt until I was touching his chest. I ran my hand over him, enjoying the feeling of the soft skin. I parted from the kiss and I hoisted Andy's shirt over his head and let it fall down to the floor. I ran my hands up his sides and I straddled him, not putting all my weight onto him. I parted from his lips and started making a trail of butterfly kisses down his neck. I licked the skin behind his ear and he shuddered. I gently bit down on it and he moaned out, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I licked the spot and smiled against his skin. His breathing was a bit unraveled. I brought my hands down to his hips, and slid them down slowly down till my hands were over him. I smirked and palmed him through his jeans. He let out a restrained moan and I started tugging down his pants. Andy closed his eyes and gripped the sheets. He was scared, I knew that, but he wasn't going to be for long. 

I finally removed his pants and I let them fall wherever. I sat up and looked at him. His bright blue eyes were staring up at me with anticipation, fear, and lust. His body was shuddering ever so slightly and his hands gripped onto the sheets over his head. His legs were pressed together, an attempt to cover his exposed body. His chest and stomach area glowing white thanks to the moonshine coming through the window. An artwork lay in front of me. A beauty really. 

I leaned down and captured his lips with mine once again as I started removing his boxers. I tugged them down and I removed them from his skinny legs. He closed his eyes and turned his head to side. I licked my lips and I started attacking his neck in kisses. I took his member in my hand I slowly started pumping him. He moaned and gripped the sheets tighter. I felt him starting to get hard so I sped up my pace. He shuddered under me, and I attacked his lips again. 

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