the year 1985 of Agust

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*everyone not knowing what to do then Bandit comes up with an idea*

Bandit: hey guys, you wanna have a race? 

Stripe and Rad: sure

Rad: but where to tho?

*Bandit points to the trees*

Bandit: over there 

Rad: ok your on!

*Stripe Bandit Rad get in line for the race* 

Rad: ok on my mark 3 2 1 g-

*Bandit starts right away  before rad can finish*

Stripe: hey you cheater! 

*Bandit yells*: come on you slow pokes!

*Stripe and Rad slowly catches up to Bandit Stripes mind* (come on stripe you can do this)

*they keep biking almost at the finish line then someone comes out of no where*

You: first! 

*Stripe Bandit and Rad confused on who was that, they finish while looking at them*

You: nice try you guys

Bandit: who are you? 

You: my name is ______ and you guys?

Bandit: my name is Bandit and those are my brothers the small one his name is Stripe and the one with messy hair is Rad 

*Stripe blushing while looking at You speechless and thinks to himself wow they are so beautiful*

Rad: my hair is not messy its meant to be like that!

Bandit: yeah yeah sure

*You look at Stripe then Stripe looks away fast then you giggle a little*

You: you guys wanna be friends?

both Bandit and Rad: yeah

You: hey whats wrong with him? 

*Points at Stripe they look and Rad gets off his bike and walks to Stripe*

Rad: hey little brother you ok?

Stripe: yeah im ok 

Rad: whats wrong?

Stripe: nothing why?

Rad: ya sure? 

Stripe: yeah im good

Bandit: what should we do now? i mean we can go at the arcade?

You: oooo yeah lets play at the arcade 

*rad gets on his bike and they all start biking to the arcade and start playing at the arcade an hour past*

Rad: hey guys im gonna back and get something to eat ok?

Bandit: same here what about you stripe?

Stripe: im good for now 

Bandit: righto be careful when your coming back 

Stripe: yes i know 

*They leave and now its just You and stripe at the arcade playing then you guys look at each other then stripe looks away*

You: uh um so how's your day going?

Stripe: uhh its going good yours?

You: same here doing good, so how often do you come here?

Stripe: only on the summer 

You: Same here but sadly I'm leaving tomorrow 

*Stripe looking sad*

Stripe: really... 

You: yeah, hey wanna go ride bikes?

Stripe: sure should we get my brothers?

You: no i want just us for now

*Stripe blushes* 

Stripe: alright where should we bike?

You: mmm guess around the neighborhood?

Stripe: yeah we can and oh yeah where do you stay at?

You: like 5 houses away from you

Stripe: oh you know where im staying?

You: yeah thats how i raced you guys

Stripe: ohhh ok, ready to go?

You: yup 

                                few hours past got lazy and didnt know what to say haha

Stripe: its getting late i should go back now 

You: same here but i wont be here tomorrow 

Stripe: oh yeah i forgot what time will you leave?

You: 12 

Stripe: ill be up before then ill come by and say bye before you leave k?

You: ok then 

*Morning and stripe wakes up then stripe goes down stairs and sees his mum making breakfast*

Mum: oh good morning Stripey 

Stripe: hey mum when will breakfast be done?

Mum: soon Stripey soon

*breakfast is done they eat then Stripe makes his way outside then goes to ____ place and sees you then Stripe stops and walks up to you*

Stripe: hey

You: hey im about to leave in 20 mins 

Stripe: oh we can talk before you leave

You: yeah 

*You and Stripe start talking then you hear your parents call You*

Stripe: oh i guess this means goodbye 

You: yeah 

Stripe: before you go i just want you to know that your beautiful

You: oh thanks, you too

*You get up and start walking to the truck then you turn around and hugs stripe, stripe hugs you back*

Stripe: i hope to see you once again 

You: yeah some day 

*You get to your car and waves at stripe then he waves back at you as your leaving* 


   If you made it this far thanks i will be posting another one tomorrow and sorry if i made some mistakes if you see any please tell me and if some of it doesnt make any since please let me know ill cya guys later bye!!! 

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