Another time skip tonight prom dance

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*School starts and everyone is talking about last min prom dates stripe looking in his locker then y/n walks Stripes locker*

Y/n: hey stripe 

Stripe: oh hey hows it going?

Y/n: nothing much you

Stripe: yeah same here just about to go to my classroom 

Y/n what class do you have right now?

Stripe: um im not sure they just told me to go to my homeroom 

Y/n oh righto 

Stripe: hey can i ask you something?..

Y/n yeah go ahead

Stripe: i was gonna ask if you wanted to be my prom- 

*before he can finish the bell rings* 

Y/n: oh stripe can you tell me later?

Stripe: uh.. yeah sure..

Y/n: alright see you later

Stripe: yup 

*Y/n and Stripe walks to their classroom then Y/n  is making their way to class before Rad stops them: 

Rad: hey can we talk real quick? 

Y/n: sure but make it fast

Rad: prom starts tonight and stripe wanted to ask you if, you can be his prom date before its too late

*Y/n shocked that Stripe asked you to be his prom date*

Y/n: um ill think about it 

Rad: wait-

*Y/n walks pass him and walks inside your classroom not knowing what to say or think then you say to yourself*

Y/n: I hope he really means it 

*Y/n POV*

*schools over and everyone is going home happy and excited for tonight's prom dance you get home and starts looking for something good to wear to Surprise him then you find something good to wear and starts taking a shower then your mum/dad takes you to the school prom dance*

Y/n Mum: be safe we'll pick you up at 10:30 okay?

Y/n yes i know ill be safe and yeah pick me up here 

Y/n Mum: okay i love you have fun

Y/n i love you too see you later

*Y/n walks inside and starts looking for stripe*

*Stripes POV*

*Stripe looking for something good to wear*

Stripe: yes i found it 

*Stripe gets ready then goes downstairs to see everyone waiting for him*

Stripes mum: lets take some pictures before you boys go 

*5 mins later Stripe Bandit and Rad walking to the school*

Rad: im sure they'll be there 

Stripe: i hope so

Rad: look dont worry they'll be there 

*they get there*

Rad: alright your gonna go in there and look like a million bucks

Stripe: yeah 

(Goldie: to the people who know what im doing there good job xd)

*they all go in then Stripe says hes gonna wait at the close to the dance floor*

Goldie: oh yeah these arts are not mine Made on twitter and Instagram if you have the apps go give  them a follow thanks :D artofjonahhh

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Goldie: oh yeah these arts are not mine Made on twitter and Instagram if you have the apps go give  them a follow thanks :D artofjonahhh

*Back to your POV*

*Y/n looking around then sees Stripe Y/n starts walking to him then Y/n says*

*Y/n looking around then sees Stripe Y/n starts walking to him then Y/n says*

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Goldie: what he says there doesnt matter you can be male or female 

*Y/n and Stripe start dancing while both blushing*

Y/n: your good at this

Stripe: heh y-you too

*they keep dancing then Stripe says* I thought you didnt like this

Y/n: cuz i thought you didnt like it 

*Rad watches them then he says to himself* im proud of you little brother 

*after the dance sitting outside talking about how fun it was then Y/n see your parents coming*

Y/n: ill see you tomorrow?

Stripe: yeah 

*you both get up and hugs each other then Y/n starts walking to your parents car then Bandit hits Stripe he says*

Bandit: go give them a kiss good night

*Stripe runs to you and yells your name,  Y/n turns around then Stripe kisses you, as your shocked and you kiss him back both blushing* 

Stripe: um yeah good night

Y/n: heh good night to you too Stripe 

*you both kiss 1 more time then your parents honk the horn* 

Y/ns dad: you both can kiss tomorrow lets go its getting late

Y/n ok ok im coming see you later Stripe

Stripe: yeah ill see you later i love you

Y/n: i love you too 

Goldie: The End i hope you guys enjoyed cuz i enjoyed it, its a cute ending 

Rad: yeah it was 

Goldie: wait how are you here?

Rad: magic 

Goldie: ok then? i hope you guys enjoy-

Bandit: hey its my turn to speak i wasnt in this story much 

Goldie: oh yeah my bad sorry mate haha

Bandit: i hope you people enjoyed it 

Goldie Stripe Bandit and Rad: see you guys next time! 

Stripe heeler x reader /gender does not matterWhere stories live. Discover now