TD Headcannons

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I feel like Noah, Cody, Leshawna, DJ, and Heather, sleep with stuffed animals🥺 That would actually be so cute😭

Justin probably tries to look like Alejandro💀 I could see him trying all his skin care routines, dressing like him, and trying to look better

Lindsay's better at sports than Tyler. I could see them playing basketball and her DOMINATING him lmao

Sierra probably was more boy-fixed/focused than others her age(as a child)

Harold as a bunch of action figures, and I can see him showing them off to Leshawna whenever they hang out or he gets a new one🥺🥺

Cameron and Cody both have restraining orders against Sierra💀

Staci is the most hated/biggest liar in her school

Scott and Rodney are cousins. I don't care if they aren't, I believe they are

Geoff's parents are very rich and strict. I feel like they stress him out so much about his grades and social life

Katie has a bunch of accounts where she hates on Sadie. 

Sadie has a bunch of accounts where she hates on Katie. 

Gwen had a crush on Geoff and Bridgette, messy queen😌 (also is it just me or is Geoff and Bridgette too similar? Like if I didn't know they were dating I'd think they were siblings💀)

DJ definitely bakes treats for his friends, family, and crushes. I feel like if someone complains to him about an issue, he'll go home and bake all their favorite things, and then give it to them

Bridgette calls DJ her son. Like that's something I genuinely believe with my whole heart. I bet Geoff would even go along with it lmao

Lightning and Lindsay are good friends. Their relationship would be a older brother/younger sister type. I can see Lightning protecting her AND maybe even Tyler😭

Leonard hates Harry Potter because everyone says Harry is a better wizard than him

Eva used to be a biter

Beth pulled Justin MANY TIMES but didn't date him because she thought he just wanted her for her looks

Gwen probably watches "Fuller House" and makes Trent watch it with her, but he secretly likes it

Mike misses a lot of days from school because of anxiety and is a constant worrier 

Heather has a Youtube channel where she makes DIY slime 

Scott has pet frogs and treats them like his babies

Jasmine and Shawn rock-climb together as a hobby

Izzy loves the movie "Tarzan" and used to cosplay as him

Zoey loves puppies so one time she actually stole her friends dog from their house, brought the dog to her house, and hid it for a solid week before her mom noticed

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