Rating ships with Cody

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Codawn (Cody x Dawn)

Do I think it would work: Maybe?

Why: I feel like they could work but probably not for long. Dawn would probably be the main one taking care of them lmao 

Overall: 6/10

Noco (Cody x Noah)

Do I think it would work: Yes

Why: Their personalities together would be cute🤗 

Overall: 9/10

Codamey (Cody x Sammy)

Do I think it would work: Yes  

Why: I think they have the same vibe, both being a bit shy. I do think they'd bring the best out of eachother though

Overall: 10/10

Codeva (Cody x Eva)

Do I think it would work: No

Why: Their personalities just don't fit eachother in my opinion

Overall: 3/10

Codella (Cody x Ella)

Do I think it would work: Maybe

Why: She's honestly adorable and I think he'd like that about her. The singing might be a bit much though tbh

Overall: 7/10

Coderra (Cody x Sierra)

Do I think it would work: 💀idek 

Why: She needs to not be so obsessive and actually give him space. I feel like if they dated she'd would be really possessive and creep him out💀

Overall: 4/10

Codsay (Cody x Lindsay)

Do I think it would work: Yeah

Why: I think them together could actually be cute tbh💖 I feel like he'd protect her which is highkey ADORABLE

Overall: 10/10

Codeather (Cody x Heather)

Do I think it would work: Possibly 

Why: She was so nice to him in TDWT and their moments together were actually pretty nice to see 

Overall: 8/10

Codette (Cody x Bridgette)

Do I think it would work: It might

Why: Something about those two just makes me think they could work 

Overall: 9/10

Codwana (Cody x Leshawna)

Do I think it would work: Possibly

Why: I think it would just be cute to see honestly

Overall: 7/10

Courdy (Cody x Courtney)

Do I think it would work: Probably not

Why: She would create a whole list of things for him to change(like with Duncan) and he'd probably change for her (TOXIC)

Overall: 5/10

Gwody (Gwen x Cody)

Do I think it would work: idk

Why: It could but I don't see Gwen dating him tbh

Overall: 6/10

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