Chapter 1

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                 Isabella Snow

My name is Isabella snow I'm 17 and I'm a bitch , I have a bitchy attitude , I have a resting bitch face , And I'm a fucking bitch to anyone who talks to me without permission. I've learned ever since I was a baby to never let people get to close to you. they can either hurt you or make you hurt yourself. I wasn't gonna let that happen I'm a loner and a very popular one at that. At school everyone stared at me because of my body I mean I can't blame them I am hot. But me being at that school didn't last long I had to switch schools.

I'm a real trouble maker I get into a lot of fights and drama not that I want to. well that's a lie. Getting in fights and stirring up trouble is so fun I think that's because of my adrenaline. Anyways I'm 17, I'm a bitch, I love adrenaline, And I'm single and that is definitely permanent, Relationships aren't my thing to much work , And plus all the guys at my old school were short as fuck and they didnt meet my standards , Im 5'10 I need at least someone 6'5 to dominate me and put me in my place. But that's never gonna happen because I'm a brat and I really don't listen to inconsiderate people and dumbass bitches .

It's the next morning I wake up and brush my teeth use the bathroom and wash my face then take a shower and get ready for my first day at school due to the fight I had at my last high school . I set my clothes that I'll be wearing on my bed but I didn't want to wear it. I wanted to go to with a black skirt tights that I ripped to show some skin and a black top that showed my tits a little also I wore some black boots and a black leather jacket, put some deodorant and some perfume on and did a lil bit of make-up and did my hair. I began to walk out of my room to go show my mom my outfit.

"Hey ma do you like what I'm wearing" I said with a devious smile on my face

"Yea I do you look ..... good I guess but the school better not call me Izzy I can't afford to switch you to another school right now " she said with a warning

"Yes ma'am i totally understand" I said while chucking a little bit
My mom looked at the time on her phone her eyes bulged

"OH MY GOODNESS YOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL I TOTALLY LOST TRACK OF TIME" she said while screaming and trying to get her keys

"We gotta go now izzy" she said while running out the door and i fallowed after her calm as could be while she was rushing. My mom sped down the highway I'm surprised we didn't get pulled over. We finally got to VANARA HIGH-SCHOOL it looked they just built the school and it was big .
I said goodbye to my mom

"Ill pick you up at 3:30 ok honey" she said while driving off

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"Ill pick you up at 3:30 ok honey" she said while driving off

" Welp let's see how this will turn out"
I tried to open the door but obviously it was locked. I rang the door bell and they didn't even ask who I was they just let me in. You know that's pretty unsafe I actually care about being safe . I walked in and everyone was staring like they always do when there's a new kid. I'm not gonna lie this school was gorgeous it was big and had a lot of space and had a lot of decorations on the walls.

I found the office manger she looked at me like I was a 'slut' due to what I decided to wear so I just gave my resting bitch face it always works for me and it never fails .

"Hi my name is Isabella snow and I just transferred here can I have my schedule" I said with a nice high pitched voice knowing damn well I'm not nice at all

"Of course let me just print it out now" the office manger said while typing on her keyboard

"Here you go if you go straight down the hall and turn right that's the high school part of the school because we also have elementary and middle school here" she said while handing me my schedule

" Thanks " I said with a fake ass smile taking my schedule

I walked straight down the hall and turned right im 30 minutes late in my first hour class English room 995 I walked down the hall looking for room 995 and surprisingly I found it I walked in with my head held high and with one leg In front of the other.

The students in the classroom were eyeing me all over again it was starting to get irritating. don't they have other things to be looking at. I walked up to the teachers desk and he showed me a big smile.

"How may I help you" he said while pausing his lesson with his class

"I'm the new transfer student Isabella snow" I said while whispering

" oh yes I got an email stating that I was receiving a new student " he said while smiling and nodding his head

"How about you introduce yourself to the class" he said while easing his voice from a whisper to a yell

" Hi my name is Isabella snow but others would rather call me a bitch" they all gasped

"I'm not nice I don't play nice and I sure as hell am not soft so don't try me it's gonna be a real fun year while I'm here so don't get to close or I might burn you. I don't take disrespect and sure as hell from my peers " I said while having a devious smile
I looked back at the teacher he was baffled by the way I spoke.
he's gonna have to get used to it.

"Uh ....... Um ok well this is Isabella snow everybody" he said while clapping soon everyone else started clapping

"You can sit by Ezra wave your hand Ezra so she knows who and where you are" he said and he raised his hand my eyes bulged out of my eyes sockets HE IS FUCKING FINE he had tattoos peeking out from under his shirt and he saw me staring and he gave me a smile my heart stopped . The way his hair gently drapes on his face I was in deep thought but suddenly cut out of my thoughts when my teacher said his name.

"My name is Mr, smith now go on and sit by Ezra " he said while shooing me away with a big smile

I stared to walk and I felt jealous stares stabbing me in the back as I was walking but I don't give two fucks they had time before I came to this school to get with him and plus he don't look like my type at all. But he has muscles and tattoos and dimples. So who what might happen.

"The names Ezra but you already know that don't you princess" he said with a devilish smirk on his

'Princess' "really don't call me that again before I punch you " I said while looking straight in his eyes

He smirks and sits up straight
"Oh really then do it princess" he said with a bold look

I was really trying not to get in trouble I only just transferred so I let it go

I side eye him
" don't call me that I said this in my introduction DONT PLAY WIT ME" I said with a warning tone

"PRINCESSES" he said while stretching the word out

I get irritated easily thats why I stated in my introduction don't play wit me but I couldn't help it I balled my fist as I was about to lift it up until he grabbed me by my throat and he squeezed hard enough to where I stopped breathing but I didn't have a problem with it.

" You were actually gonna hit me but lucky for you i have a high pain tolerance and fast reflexes so it wouldn't hurt and I would be to fast for you" he said with his low voice while holding my throat

I began to feel myself get hot and bothered by his touch on my throat and he began to notice and smirked

"Looks like someone likes to be choked" he said in a mocking tone

PHow did you guys like the first chapter it's my first story so I'm sorry
Press the star of u liked it

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