Chapter 3

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Ezra Hart
I'm a very calm and chill kinda guy but I don't take sly comments that find there way to me I make them submit physical or mentally it always works I'm 18 I'm finishing out my last year as a senior I'm glad because now girls will stop coming up to me and asking me to be their boyfriend. None of these girls fascinate me not even one. I've had many girlfriends in the past, but I just broke them off, because I was never satisfied plus relationships are too much work. They either want to go deeper in the relationship and want to dig up the past. I don't want to do that I like it simple. I've never actually fallen in love. I don't think I am. I will not at least now.

The next morning I wake up, I do my daily routine which is brush my teeth in the shower and use the bathroom and no that is not an order make up this simple today I just saw a black top and some black jeans simple is good enough for me.
I drove myself to school, put on some music. The drive to school was nice. Once I ended up in my class I set my things down and I got ready for the lesson. I was really irritated and annoyed because I could feel girls staring at me. I didn't mind, but I'm trying to pay attention and it's distracting.

30 minutes in class
I heard the door open and I saw this girl with luscious long brown hair and she had long eyelashes with hazel eyes. She was tall and she looked sexy and tasty. She was talking to the teacher, and she introduced herself after she did that she spoke to my interest in the only seat that was left in the class was by me so she sat by me

When she sit down, I can smell, her perfume smashed across my face. She smell like daisies and roses I could tell that she thought I was at least cute because she kept staring at me, but she wasn't shy She was really confident, and I liked it in a woman.
She didn't like the fact that I called her princess, but I kept calling her that just to get her mad . She warned me she was gonna punch me, but I didn't believe her until I saw her fist but I stopped it and I grabbed her by her throat. I can feel her throat go up and down.

I could tell that she was surprised like she's never been grabbed by her throat before she was moving her legs and I could tell that she was getting turned on
So I tighten my grip and I ask a question do like being choked she said no of course I didn't believe it so I made her come in the middle of class she couldn't hold of her moans Her moans sounded so sexy when she left out the classroom I was hard as a brick. I was sexually frustrated because she turned me on more than any other girl has she's peaked my interest and I'll definitely see her again.

Ik this is just a recap of the last chapter but I have to get pov I'll do better

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