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New day, new me! Or so I prayed..

I woke up and immediately looked at my phone with a slight bit of hope, but sighed in disappointment as I saw today's date. March 10th. No improvement.. like always. I stretched my limbs and sat up, switching my gaze to the window next to my bed. I looked outside, waiting for something to happen in that exact moment.

In three, two, one..


I chuckled to myself as I heard my phone ring. As I expected.. My sister was probably worried about the disappearance of her lucky bracelet. I grabbed my phone and answered the call with precaution, since I knew she'd start shouting.

"KIM YOOHYEON! Have you seen my bracelet? I lost it!"

Oh boy, even though I knew she'd be loud, I still got started.

"It's under your bed, behind the pink shoebox.." I sighed, not wanting to let her search all day for it. It wouldn't be bad to stop teasing her for it this time.

"What? Really..?" I heard her move stuff around and she gasped in happiness, making me smile. "It really is here! How did you know!?

"I have superpowers Chae, don't you know?" I joked, making her giggle. Even though I've heard her laughter for the billionth time now, it always worked magic and brightened my mood by a small bit. "Also, the questions and answers to your English test are all in the blue student's book, page 153, unit 2 test 3." I added.

"How the hell..?" She asked confused, me lying to have overheard the teacher mentioning it. She didn't ask no more and hung up, promising to buy me lunch at school as a payment. At least I won't bring my money.

I sloppily got up my bed and did my daily routine and sighed, getting sick of doing the same thing every single time. I wore my uniform that I haven't washed in weeks, hell, maybe even months. It's not because I'm unhygienic or lazy, this uniform just doesn't get dirty at all, I swear! It's as if it forgot how to get dirty or something. And there definitely was a reason for that..


And now it was finally time for the same, unavoidable torture for every human being - school.

Just great.

"Hey Yooh!" I looked to my right and forced a smile at my best friend Soojin, leaving her confused by my action. Even if I try my hardest, I still can't act nor let my fake reactions get past her unnoticed. After all, she is my best friend..

"What's with that fake smile? You want me to guess what's wrong or you'll tell me?" Soojin asked as she dragged me to the same bathroom spot like yesterday. Or any other day that had passed.

She opened her mouth to speak, but I raised my hand infront of her face as a sign to wait. Right then, a student got out from one of the stalls and embarrassingly looked at us. She washed her hands in a hurry, then left in an instant.

"Are we alone now?" She asked and I nodded as an answer. Soojin then clapped with her hands, putting them on my shoulder and looking straight into my eyes. "Okay Yooh, tell me, are you annoyed right now?"

The Sight of Her | JiYoo Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now