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I woke up in shock, feeling a weighing feeling in my chest. It wasn't exactly pain, more like.. I was deeply touched? It was that certain feeling of comfort that I haven't felt in.. Uh, I don't think I've ever felt like that actually.

I shook my head and grabbed my phone in worry and sighed in relief when the date was still March 10th.. But why was I happy? Didn't I want this to end? Was this meeting with that girl of benefit in some way.. I don't know anymore, maybe it's just for today but I feel much different than before.

Oh wait, it was early in the morning now, which meant I must get a phone call by Chae any second... And.. I did.


I heard her shout at me but I immediately shushed her, telling her the same stuff as yesterday in a hurry because I had some other stuff to worry about. But she didn't say anything, just listen in confusion. That's.. new..?

I wanted to have a day off from school today so I had to lie that I was feeling ill.

"Chae, I won't go to to school today. I'm feeling kinda sick." I informed her. I felt bad for lying to her, but I had to. I'm sorry Chae, if only you knew my situation you'd understand..

"Want me to bring you anything to eat or some medicine?" Chae asked worriedly, making me smile, but that smile widened after I realized it's not a response I've heard of before. Finally something new! I kindly denied her offer and she didn't protest longer but hang up.

I slightly tilted my head, wondering if I maybe said something unusual that made her say a different speech. Maybe I did, but I couldn't remember. It can happen sometimes.

These thoughts were immediately replaced by a flashback of the occurrence that happened with the girl I met last night. I still couldn't grasp the situation and her reactions. Did she actually believe what I said? Was she being serious when she said she'd wait for me? I know she doesn't remember me now, but I never knew anyone would trust my words so easily.

But one thing confused me the most - why did she get so shocked to hear May 17th?

Maybe.. Nah, no way.

It's just my way of comforting myself. She probably got surprised that I said a date so far from todays. Anyone would get surprised, it's a normal reaction.

I really wanted to talk to her again. This time, with a proper introduction and no following to any dark alleyways. If she doesn't want to talk to me, I should just let it go. It's of no use talking to someone who doesn't want anything to do with me. A first impression can't be changed no matter what you try..

It was still early in the morning so the chances of her being there right now were very low.. Maybe even zero-

But wait.

What even is her name?


"I always knew I was born a little dumb, but I didn't expect to be this idiotic. Why the hell didn't I ask for her name first!?" I was
cursing at myself while staring at my reflection in the mirror.

The Sight of Her | JiYoo Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now