The Gauntlet

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That day came... The day of The Gauntlet! Everyone gathered in the stadium to watch the competitors. "All dolls that wish to compete in The Gauntlet, please report to the starting point.". Clair and Sasha looked at each other nervously, but still made their way down to the starting point.

"And I'm gonna run it with you!" Lou's voice boomed across the stadium. Everyone cheered. When Lou set eyes on the two girls who had just arrived, he said, "Oh, this is rich. This is just rich. You can't possibly think you'll pass." . Moxy answered for them, "Maybe we will, maybe we won't. But every doll in this stadium is gonna see us try!". They thanked Moxy silently as they got onto the starting platform.

As the platform rose, Lou shot Mandy a wink. She just gave him the, 'seriously??' look. Then everyone got ready for the doors to open... Beeeeep! The doors opened! They all went in quietly... WEeeeeeee! Clair, Sasha, Mandy, and all of the UglyDolls competing went running and laughing, While Lou and the spy girls went quietly to the open doorway. A hungry- looking robot dog came in their way. "Hey, I got this guys." Said the blue dog Ugly. A spanish song started to play and the dog started dancing and distracting the robot dog. "go! Go go go guys!" he said while he kept dancing. Clair chuckled as she ran. Then, suddenly, a toy tractor thingie came and scooped up Moxy and Ox, but not long after that they came back with Moxy driving the tractor! They got everyone else on the toy tractor and flew down the stairway while Lou and the spy girls walked.

When they reached the end a robot baby came and scooped Moxy and Lou up in its arms. The baby laughed and swung them around, until Lou kicked the baby in the face. the baby threw Lou into a box full of blocks, while dropping Moxy on the floor and whined a bit. Moxy ran as fast as she could to the doggy door finish line, but came to a fast stop when she heard the baby cry. She looked like she felt bad and turned around to comfort the baby robot. Lou made his way out and out the doggy door, but the dog dropped the door on Lou. The timer ran out and everyone thought they had lost. But, when the scoreboard showed the winners, everyone except Lou won. Lou whined about being a prototype. Soon, Clair and Sasha entered the open portal to the big world....

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