Day 5.

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(ART BY @tigerAngel_21 ON TWITTER !!)

(Me: Works on two chapters on April Fools day.

Everyone reading: ... Huh?)

~ Dazai's POV ~

I sat down and started thinking but, the old memories slip back into my head. Port Mafia times that is. Great. It was mostly Chuuya, not Mori tbh. Before I gave in and called Chuuya, I went to bed. I'll see what tomorrow brings me.


I woke up. It's what, Day 5 now. I'm already losing track of time. My life right now is like a movie, but at least a hella good one at that. Once more I didn't go to work, nor did I go to the address. I kept texting the number, they were quite interesting to me.


"Hi again !"

"Hello Dazai."

"Anything you can tell me now ? I'm losing track of time here !!"

"Just come and find me Dazai."

"So that's the piece of the puzzle I'm missing?"


"First, I'd like to talk to you a little."

"Like, this isn't happening?"


"I'm on for that, a little distraction for now."


For like an hour, all we did was talk. To be honest, it was fun. It reminded me of Chuuya. But I knew it wasn't Chuuya on the other end, It was someone else. Something else. Someone I knew. Sooner or later it got late. Who ever was on the other end of the phone had to go.

I didn't go to bed yet. I dreamed of who ever to was. They were a charmer for sure. The only other time I felt what ever this feeling is was with Chuuya, back when me and him "slept" together.

I also tried to think of who it was. It wasn't that hard to narrow it down to who it was. I was sure of who it was. I stayed up a little then went to bed. Tomorrow is gonna be a hassle.

To Be Continued...

Words: 319

- Xlaire. Time of release: 4/1/2023

(Posts other Chapter on April Fools cutely)

(Old ver) Time Loop. (A Fyozai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now