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Minho's body bruised and covered with marks, he was trembling furiously and all battered up in the corner of the room. A whole fucking two hours from just one person continuously with no breaks between too. Director Yu smirked as he pulled his pants up. He ruffled Minho's hair before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

Blood, sweat and tears (NO THIS ISNT MEANT TO BE A BTS REFERENCE HELP) ran down his face and his lips quivered as the door shut. He was left alone in the dark. All alone. It had happened again.

Minho stared soullessly at where director Yu had left. He was still tied up and his gag was completely soaked from saliva, sweat and tears. It had happened again.

Why is this happening to me.. Why... What did I do to deserve this.. I miss Jisung.. Minho remained lying on the cold ground. It was freezing and frigid against his body but he had gone numb to the point he can't even feel it anymore.

It had happened again.

His mind was going crazy. Jeongho. Xavier. Javier. Renyn. Hyunjin. Changbin. Everything in his past came flooding to him. Rape. Depression. Suicide. Death. Love. Jisung. Friendship. Work. Dance. Music. His lips curled into a psychotic smile and his tears started to get tinted with a crimson red shade of blood.

How funny. Minho laughed. He rolled on the ground despite how much everything hurt and laughed. How fucking funny. Ah.. Am I turning psychotic again? Aha..

— Countdown from day of escape: 1. Thurs —

Today was it. Yangho uninstalled the cameras the previous night and it was currently 5 PM. Staff had already gone off to director Yu's party and 204 was preparing already. Jisung looked at Yangho who had the most dangerous role. He had to sneak down to the basement and open the gates then access the panel to turn off the electrical fence. 119 and 204 (other than Yangho) were at the garden waiting anxiously for Yangho to do what he needed to do.

Yangho snuck down into the basement. He heard the door creak behind him and he flipped around, alert. Thank god it was only just leader Yoon.

"How're you here? Shouldn't you be at.." Yangho looked at his father.

"Figured I should help out. I said I needed the bathroom. You should go." Leader Yoon replied. He walked over next to the panel and tilted his head towards the door. Yangho shook his head and sighed.

"No point. I'm going back to my room." Yangho headed upstairs when he heard a gunshot from behind him. He turned around and saw his father smiling at him, a bullet through his abdomen and blood dripping from his mouth. Yangho's eyes widened and he screamed. Director Yu was behind him and he revealed himself as leader Yoon's body crumpled onto the ground. Yangho shook his head and tears poured from his eyes.

"FATHER!!" Yangho shrieked. A bullet was fired at him and he managed to crouch down just in time. He had no choice but to run now or he'd die too. He staggered up the stairs trying not to trip and fall as he sobbed.

Leader Yoon laid on the ground. Director Yu turned his head and looked down at him. He stepped on leader Yoon's head and pointed the gun at his neck.

"You know what you get for doing this, right?~" Director Yu smiled.

"Do it. I have no fucking regrets, you messed up bastard." Leader Yoon raised his arms and grabbed director Yu by the neck with his last bit of strength.



Jisung and the rest was running for their lives. Staff were chasing after them and guns were fired continuously from the building. No one had expected that this would happen. Jihu and Kyuseok who were in the back tried to catch up but it was obvious that they were falling behind. Suddenly, Kyuseok felt a hot streak of pain burn through his legs and he fell down. Jihu screamed and turned back to help him.

"No Kyu! Come on! We're almost there!" Jihu picked Kyuseok up but Kyuseok shook his head.

"I can't.. Go Jihu. Hurry and run." Kyuseok clutched his leg and turned around seeing a staff member rapidly approaching with a knife in his hands.

Suddenly, he fell to the ground and blood poured from his head and both the boys screamed. Chan pulled up and waved his had at the couple. "C'mon, get on. Jisung! Over here!"

Jisung turned around and smiled seeing Chan and he raced back. Chan drove forwards and picked up Hashik and 119 before zooming down the road. Felix and Jeongin sat in the backseat, firing at any staff who got too close.

But no one knew what was going on in the welfare centre.

Director Yu stood on the rooftop, looking down at everyone escaping. He clenched his jaws and headed downstairs, furious that his employers had been this weak and this easily defeated. He passed leader Yoon's lifeless body and kicked it once before going to the room where Minho was.

"Fuck.. Your pathetic friends and husband escaped.. Fuck!" Director Yu picked up the nearest item which was a plant vase and chucked it at Minho. Minho flinched at the glass hitting his body and piercing through his skin.

"You. Fucking. Worthless. Bitchass. Sack. Of. Shit!" Director Yu kicked Minho with every word that escaped his mouth. Minho grimaced and curled up in a ball. This all felt too familiar. Hyunjin and Changbin kicking him and him sobbing while he was trying his best to protect himself.

Minho looked up as director Yu finally went away and slammed the door shut. A few minutes later the door creaked open and Minho immediately went into a defensive stance.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me again.." Minho mumbled.

"Shut up and be quiet, I'm getting you out of here."

Minho looked up. It was Yangho.



Crimson Red. // Minsung [PT. 2]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora