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(A/n: I hope you enjoy this long stenny one-shot, the South Park characters don't belong to me)

Kenny was eager to get some much-needed rest after an excruciatingly long day at work. He hated his job very much, but couldn't quit for many reasons. The main one being its location. It was within walking distance. It took him no more than ten minutes to get to work and to get back home. Whenever he was exhausted after work, like he was right now, he would take a breather at a park, something he was going to do at this very moment. He yawned loudly into the cool night air, wiping a tear from his hazel eye with a finger. A car whizzed past him, ruffling his long blonde locks across his face. He fixed his hair with a huff, then shoved his hands into his orange jacket pockets. There were times where he wished he had a vehicle. It wouldn't be driven to work since he walked there, and doing so in the mornings woke him up, so he could focus. It would be used to transport him to places like the grocery store or other destinations that weren't walking distance friendly. Screw taking public transportation, he'd rather give his money to a homeless person.

The man yawned again. He was so tired. As soon as he got to the park and found a bench he could relax on, there's no telling if he would doze off or be able to fight off the drowsiness. It wouldn't be the first time he slept at the park anyway, he was practically well-known for sleeping there on the weekdays. Many dubbed him an unfortunate homeless soul because he looked young and was always seen in an orange jacket, black trousers, and black loafers. He was in his mid-twenties and it was late Autumn, his workplace would always have the heat on like it's Winter. He only ever took his jacket off there and at home.

Fortunately for Kenny, he made it to the park. Finally. He yawned once more as he entered. He walked down a path made of loose gravel. There's a bench up ahead, however it's right next to a metal lamp post. He didn't want such bright lighting beaming near him, would disrupt his sleep. He searched for another bench, but stopped suddenly, getting the feeling that he wasn't alone. He spotted not one person around while he was looking for a bench. He looked back at the wooden seat by the lamp post, acquiring a strange urge to approach it. Despite his best judgement to ignore it and just go home instead, he gave in to his curiosity, no longer languor.

Stopping by the bench, hazel eyes looked over and down at it, then expanded. Not out of fear, not out of shock, but mystification and a hint of concern. It wasn't uncommon for homeless people to take refuge at a park, but Kenny had never seen a naked one before.

A grown ass man was out here in the nude, curled up on his side presumably in a deep sleep. At least, Kenny hoped the man was asleep. He looked...pretty handsome for a hobo, pale, and had not a single speck of grime on him. Kenny then realized that he'd been staring at the guy longer than necessary considering he wasn't wearing any clothes. Before he averted his gaze, he noticed something sticking out of the man's short black hair.

"What the hell?" Kenny thought. He bent down a little to get a closer look. They looked like...antennas with round tips. Kenny backed away covering his mouth with a hand, preventing himself from swearing aloud. No fucking way...Was that...Was that an alien?!

Kenny swallowed the lump in his throat. He...wanted to make sure-he had to make sure that what he saw just now wasn't a figment of his imagination. Steeling his nerves, Kenny went back to the bench, removing his hand from his mouth.

He saw one of the antennas twitch, and booked it for his apartment.


Come the next morning, Kenny was woken up by knocking at his front door. He groaned like he was dying. He had only gotten about an half hour of sleep. After discovering the existence of an extraterrestrial being, Kenny stayed up all night browsing the internet on his laptop, looking up if aliens were actually real. He found no fruitful information, just opinions and theories. He was tempted to make a post disclosing his finding of an alien, however he'd thought against doing that. He didn't have any proof. And besides, those antennas could've been fake.

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