Back at hogwarts

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Summer break is coming to an end, I'm packing my trunk with everything I'd need and some extras along with my makeup bag and shoes in a separate trunk it's nothing new going into this school year just the same old depressing place to be other then being with my friends who always made Hogwarts much better

"Ivy hurry we have to get going" my mother said
"Okay just grabbing a few things I'll be down right now" I yelled from up stairs

I heard my mother walking out her room and heading straight for the front of the house I quickly grabbed my things and went down stairs to meet her along with my father we apparated to the train station meeting with pansy and her parents all of our families were super close even with riddles despite everything that has happened years before

I quickly said my goodbyes to my parents and walked on the Train with pansy putting our trunks away above our compartment I look down and see Theodore and Enzo sitting there making small talk to each other I slap Enzo on back of his head "didn't care to notice me yet" "I was looking at theos handsome face darling don't be jealous" Enzo spat defensively Enzo moved and I sat between the two boys both quickly placing a kiss on my cheek as a greeting pansy sat infront of me

Quickly joined us was riddle and malfoy a few new scars on riddles face I've noticed but didn't wanna pay too much attention after each year he'd come back with more and more scars none of us never asked what would happen at home or why they were there malfoy and riddle were cousins but grew up like brothers would do anything to protect each other never hid secrets or nothing

They made pansy scoot to the window with malfoy in the middle sitting straight ahead of me I didn't want to say much but I give a light smile then turned to riddle to seeing him zoned out didn't wanna bother nor make small talk quickly after Blaise joined us sitting next to Enzo they quickly started messing with each other boys being boys

"So how was everyone's summer I wanna hear everything" pansy asked

"Boring" I replied knowing I was with my parents at the manor or doing random things with them never with anyone else

"Me and Enzo shagged new people" Theo said excitingly

"Dude shut up" Enzo replied to theo while slapping the back of his head

Me and pansy let off a light laugh knowing the boys will get annoyed of us if we laughed how we wanted to malfoy and riddle stayed quiet knowing they probably was with riddles dad or narcissa knowing who riddles dad was never frightened any of us nor made us feel uncomfortable but knowing riddles anger always came from was his father we sat there made quick little small talk everyone talking and making jokes soon enough we quickly arrived at hogwarts me and pansy got with Enzo and theo, Draco and Blaise and riddle by himself we all apparated to hogwarts dodging the boat and carriage ride

Soon enough everyone else has made it to the gates everyone dodged us mainly being afraid of the boys and what'd they tell them if they looked at me and pansy a certain way we quickly made our way to the great hall and sat at the slytherin table waiting for the new kids to be sorted and the first years to be sorted the beginning of 5th year was finally here only a couple years left and we'd be out of this shit hole

We got a few new slytherin 1st years but not too much, the feast finally began all of us started eating and was quickly done after a few hours of just picking at our food students began to make their way down the corridors and to their common rooms me and pansy quickly made our way to our dorm a beautiful dark green room with two bed identical but
different pillows and night stands a closet to share and a beautiful vanity area to get ready along with with our bathroom we both picked our beds and placed everything where it needed to be

Me and pansy were much alike very similar taste and style she was my soulmate in friend form I couldn't  have asked for a better best friend "so who's your new lover my girl" I asked pansy she quickly jumped on my bed giving me a warm hug "so do you wanna hear it all details or no" she replied sarcastically we both started laughing only knowing that it wasn't a joke but just a quick one night stand and nothing more pansy had those quit often just to get what she wants and be done I loved hearing her stories she always ask me but she knows I've never shagged anyone

"Your parents were at the manor a lot these last weeks everything okay" I asked
"Yeah just riddles dad needing stuff done but how did you know that v " pansy replied
"I was with my parents all summer over there a lot just back to back things got hectic and bad at times but nothing I couldn't  bare" I said
"Oh how come you didn't owl me so we'd hang out or something I didn't know you'd be stuck over there my parents never allowed me to go cause of the rumors last year with Draco" pansy replied with irritation
"I don't know I didn't wanna bug I know you were doing your own thing and honestly it was nice having time with both parents since my father is rarely home he practically lives at the manor" I said jokingly

She brushed off what I said and didn't wanna go into detail knowing my father was a sensitive topic for me just a plane oh abusive father physically and mentally I never knew why my mother stayed with him we decided to make our way to the slytherin common room as we walked out we noticed all of the boys were sitting around the fire i quickly ran and jumped on Mattheo Enzo and theo sitting on the couch bothering them with everything I had in me

I felt my legs move and someone scoff as they walked away to their dorm I looked up and noticed it was riddle he never liked being fun only at parties when he'd drink and dance with the boys I've never seen him date a girl in school if he ever shagged anyone it'll be the upper class girls which I'm not sure why everyone knew riddle for being the player

"So we have the rest of the day today I heard there's a welcome back party tn ravenclaw is hosting what do you guys think" pansy yelled excitedly
"We're definitely going hot chicks and alcohol my two favorite things" Enzo shouted
"I'm in what's the least can happen" Blaise replied
Enzo and Draco agreed with him
"We're totally going zee" I said with a smirk looking at Pansy

The boys always knew when me and Pansy party together it doesn't end to well we go big or don't go it's always the life of the party when we party

Just Us At Last | 18+ mattheo riddle Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin