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It was now the night of the party, me and pansy began getting ready both wearing matching black short dresses and sparkly heels our hair done differently as I finished curling my hair looking messing but put together at the same time I look over and Pansy is already done getting ready while I have to still do my makeup knowing I take forever

I did a simple dark green sparkly eyeshadow while spraying my hair with glitter spray giving my look a more euphoria look we look over at each other and both scream and hype each other up immediately cause of how good we looked there was no me without my zee, as we were getting ready to leave our dorm I grabbed a couple sober up potions in case things go sideways with the boys we walk out to our common room

To head to the boys dormitory we walk in Enzo and theos dorm and no one was there same with Draco and Blaise so we looked at each other and noticed they were in riddles dorm we make our way too riddles dorm,, riddle never had to share a dorm cause of who his father was we walk into his dorm I quickly look around a beautiful room with black furniture and green wallpaper it screamed a riddle

As I look up I see all the boys ready in there black attire nothing to overboard a simple causal look they call it every boy hiding their dark mark even though me and pansy both knew about them being death eaters we constantly talk how it is gonna be our turn real soon,, as the boys noticed we were starring at them you see each boys eyes light up like you've never seen everyone expect riddles

"Merely hell you two look good" Theo yelled
"Thank you my pretty boy" I replied
The 4 other boys looked irritated with me and Theo already knowing we'd always flirt but never be more then friends we couldn't be...

"Can we get this over with" riddle said snobby
Everyone ignored him as he made his way between me and pansy hitting both of our shoulders me and pansy follow right behind him and the 4 boys behind us it was how we always walked it was an order we always followed so the other student knew me and pansy were off limits we made our way out of our common room and up the stairs to ravenclaws common room before opening the doors it was silent

As soon and riddles hand touched that door and opened it, loud music came bursting out and a stench of alcohol came rushing out the doors, me and pansy looked at each other with a big smile riddle turned around and shook his head knowing it'd be chaos me and pansy never cared about the things we started cause we knew it'd be solved and handled with the boys by our side riddle made his way through the common room as the rest of us followed riddle sat at a table with other slytherin students, alcohol already on the table he slowly poured himself a drink while Enzo and Blaise went to go get muggle weed and Molly from the Weasley twins

"This is gonna be one hell of a night you ready" pansy said shouting over the loud music
"You know I am lover girl" I replied with a smirk she poured a shot of fire whiskey into my mouth and I took every single ounce she poured knowing pansy always partied hard or didn't party at all I always catch up to her in the end so pace of drinking never mattered I suddenly get a feeling that someone was starring at me I look over and all the boys are starring at us drink like it was no one's business

"Do you want some" I yelled
None of the boys said anything back I grabbed the bottle from pansy and gave every single boy a shot starting with riddle ending with Draco I can see their faces of the spicy feeling rushing down their throat I smirked and grabbed pansy's hand onto the dance floor as we started feeling the music the more we loosened up our hips swaying with the beat of the music the louder the music got the more we felt it a buzzing feeling started to come along the feeling like no one in the world can stop me came

I grab pansy body closer to mine our hands on each others bodies not a care in the world dancing to the beat and in sync glancing over  all of the boys starring at us making small talk,  students surrounding you couldn't even see the walls everyone dancing on everyone

I feel my body getting pulled by someone bigger then me I look at and notice it was on of the Weasley twins I turn over and start dancing with him, I brush my hands through his hair not caring what the boys would think my body began to loosen up and I start feeling more of a drunk coming along he lifts my chin up pouring muggle Hennessy into my mouth 

I quickly drank the shot he poured grabbed the bottle stood on my tippy toes and gave him one also we both let go of whatever we felt or tension and let loose jumping up and down as we were dancing together ,, it began to feel hot I grabbed the bottle from the Weasley twins and made my way to sit down with the boys

I noticed Theo and Blaise were no where to be found as I sat down Draco and riddle both starring at me with a mad look but both looking so good when mad I couldn't take either of them serious I gave them a smirk and giggled to myself 
"What's so funny Claire" riddle spat
"The way you both look mad" I replied laughing
"Only thing funny is the way you looked while dancing with that red headed twin" riddle said back angrily
"Oh my god riddle loosen up have some fun for once it's not the end of the world" I giggled at him

I began drinking more and more of the muggle Hennessy no long feeling anything I was feeling just feeling like I was floating noticing there was a couple of bars of Molly on the table I picked up the baggy looked at Draco and riddle with a smirk, draco smiled immediately I jumped up handing him the baggy knowing he was gonna crush it up while I got pansy

As I make my way back to grab pansy off the dance floor, I'm pushing my way through the students dancing I turn over and see Theo and Blaise having their tongues down two ravenclaw girls mouth I giggle to myself knowing they'd be sleeping next to a different girl comes the morning, as I see pansy I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the crowd she immediately knew what time it was we made our way to riddle and Draco, with three lines of Molly ready me, Draco and pansy all looked at each other with a smirk and sniffed the lines that were placed down

I tilt my head back sniffing in whatever was left letting out a little sneeze as the Molly entered my system a burning feeling in my nose I was ready to make madness happen, I turned and riddle was starring at me knowing he went into my head and knew what I was thinking of I brush off like I didn't know what he did I slowly make my way to the dancing floor barely being able to feel my hands or my feet walking

I suddenly feel someone grab my wrist harshly I turned and see riddles face with our nose touching cold rings on my wrist, I get the chills knowing he can be stupidly mean when drunk
"Don't do nothing stupid Claire be a good girl for once" riddle yelled
"I'm not just having fun Mattheo" I replied while taking my wrist out of his grip

I push my way to the middle of the dance floor dancing to the music I see Theo dancing with a girl in the corner of my eye I reach my hand out and grab his wrist forcing him to come and dance with me our bodies suddenly go in twine you can smell the alcohol on both of us I pull his body close to mine lift my head up and began to feel the music with my back towards him his hands all over my body my hands followed his I was feeling euphoric the music began to get more intense so did our bodies

He turns me around lifts my chin up and began breathing hard I knew immediately what he was feeling and what he wanted to do I put my hand on the back of his neck pulling his face closer to mine our lips reach we began kissing to the sync of the music our tongues connecting making everything feel better and better his hands going all over my body not caring what he was touching just what he was feeling and what he wanted I suddenly pull away

I began Making my way out of the common back to my dormitory barely being able to walk or feel my senses anymore I hear loud steps behind me I turn away and see Enzo
"Cmon pretty girl that's enough partying let get you to sleep" Enzo said calmly
"Mhmhm" I replied

He slowly lifts me up taking off my shoes and throws me over his shoulder walking through the corridors down to the dungeons reaching our common room he opens the door apparated us to my dorm began to place me on my bed tucked me in and kissed my forehead gently I feel him walking away closing the door I began to slowly fall asleep

Just Us At Last | 18+ mattheo riddle Where stories live. Discover now