Road trip mission pt 6

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Anonymous was skipping through the forest the forest was getting sorta snowy but she was used to cold so she skipping on through humming a melody but then she heard a rustling and a blizzard but there wasn't any snow. She activated her sight domainial so that she could see from far away but she activated it too quickly and she felt someone grab the back of her head then repeatedly smash it on a nearby tree. But she quickly the person back and the person flew away from her. She looked up blood going down her nose and head and she saw a guy with blue hair and a kitsune mask

"Hmmm strong kick I see" the guy said Anonymous ran up to kick him again but he grabbed her foot and swung her to hit a nearby tree

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"Hmmm strong kick I see" the guy said Anonymous ran up to kick him again but he grabbed her foot and swung her to hit a nearby tree. Anonymous dizzily went up and again reactivated her sight domainial force but the guy quickly slashed her stomach and face with a blade. Anonymous held her stomach with her arm. Anonymous ran quickly to the guy and before he could do his move anonymous made a round house kick to smash him into the ground. The guy then touched her shoulder cold ice and snow spread along her shoulder. Anonymous moved away from the guy then moved away the ice and snow from her shoulder revealing a ice burn on her shoulder. Anonymous looked at the guy again and thought "the hell this is a level 12 now strong are the level 14" anonymous wiped the blood away from her nose then again made a bunch of fast kicks at the guy's back then kicked him in his gut so that the flies through a nearby tree. Anonymous then made two blue and red fire looking firsts along her hands and it had the shape of lion faces with manes. It moved like fire but was cold as snow and ice anonymous then ran to the guy and hit him multiple times by the chest then again re activated her sight without being interrupted then saw all of his power points there was only one since his nibiru cursed force was snow. Anonymous hit the power point sealing it for a couple of minutes since her hand was in an awkward position the guy then hit her nose and sent her flying through a bunch of trees. Anonymous the got up again but it was extremely painful then thought "Oscar fought one of the top ten nibiru curses and held quite a fight" anonymous got up and again ran toward the guy and started kicking him and jumping off from trees after multiply kicking the guy. Anonymous then punched the guy square in the then by the sides of his body then kicked him up to h the sky then when he came down she kicked his back into the ground. But he took her leg and twisted it but she then took her other leg and stepped on his face with it. Then she took out her packet knife and slit his throat with it. Then jumped away to a nearby tree. She then jumped up and kicked his face further into the ground. But he again grabbed her leg and by this time his cursed force was back and burnt her leg with the snow. Then he got up and repeatedly punched her face. She stopped his hand and twisted it then elbowed his gut and made him get away from her. She then remembered one of her domanial forces. She cut her thighs and legs so that the blood dripped down to her feet. She then started running and circling the guy around her blood the guy was too dizzy to know what was happening then she took the blood from her stomach and spread it over his face. "EW WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" the guy yelled but then the blood started to turn pink and it then exploded all over the guy and his face. His face exploded and blood was all over the forest. Anonymous then spit at his body "asshole" she coughed out and limped back to the hideout.

Xavier was healing her injures "see I knew you wouldn't be ok" TJ said looking at anonymous sadly "eh I mean I am ok at least I won" Xavier then looked down "if Oscar was able to sorta stand his ground on nibiru curse number 2 and the level 6-12 are strong like this I wonder how strong the level 14s are and the top ten nibiru curses"

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