♥Chapter 16♥

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Rapunzel's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Flynn beside me with his head down. I looked at the white ceiling and I saw myself wearing a hospital gown. I knew that something bad had happened to me. I was in the hospital because I hit my head.

"Flynn?" I called out his name. He hurriedly ran towards me and he held my hand tightly.

"Oh thank God you're awake...I'm so sorry for what I did," he said and kissed me in the forehead. I just nodded to him. I looked around and wondered why my friends weren't here.

"Flynn...where are my friends?" I asked. He looked at me sadly. He wasn't answering at the moment.

"I-I'm sorry, but I told them not to see you again," he said. I became more confused. I frowned at him. "Why?" I asked.

"It's just...about what happened yesterday. I know it's hard for you but this has to stop," Flynn said. "What has to stop?" I asked him. I didn't know what was the reason why these things kept on happening to me.

"You need to stop seeing them. Can't you see? They've changed you," Flynn said. No, this can't be happening. I tried to get up but Flynn stopped me. I placed my hand in my forehead and closed my eyes.

"Flynn, I didn't change okay? I'm the same old me," I said.
"No, you've changed a lot. You were that type of girl that never gets in danger, listens in what I'm saying and most of all you're truthful. But why can't I see that girl now?" Flynn cried. He held my hand even tighter.

"I'm sorry if I lied, okay? But you know that I'm still that kind and loving girl. It's just that my friends accepted me for who I am, they even risked on having me as a friend because they wanted me to be happy. They were my only friends, you and them are the only people that made me so much happy. I don't need fans, I need friendship," I explained.

"I was afraid you're gonna say that. But I am doing this for you. I admit when I met them they seemed good but can't you see what are they doing to you? They made you lie or even get home late at night. I am not a bad person Rapunzel I just want what's right. And this is right. I'm very sorry, but you'll never see them again," Flynn said.

He stood up and left Rapunzel on the bed. "Guards...watch her," Flynn whispered to his hired bodyguards. "Flynn?! Flynn, please don't do this. Flynn!" I cried. Flynn didn't listen to me and walked away. I cried and cried. I knew that in my condition I can't do anything for my friends.

Jack's POV

I can't do this. I knew what Flynn told me to stay away from her but what is the reason?

When he told me that, he made me and my friends looked bad. It's like we've been an influence to her. All we've ever wanted was her to be happy. I just don't want to take it all away from her. I've never felt this way before. What a life.

"Jack?". I've heard Merida's voice outside. She repeatedly knocks on the door. I got up and walked towards the door.
I opened it and she stared at me. I can see it in her expression, she's worried about something.

"Can we talk?" Merida asked. I nodded in response. She walked right in and sat on my messy couch. I forgot to clean up the room cause of this dramatic experience.

I sat down and started the conversation. "What is it?" I asked.

"Jack, please find a way to talk to her," Merida pleaded.

"You mean, Rapunzel?" I asked. She gave me a glare after that I knew she became mad at me.

"That's not what you called her," she said. I didn't answer back. "Never mind, but can you?". I saw the look in her face, the desperation of my help that she needed.

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