002. detention

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bachira quietly come after the head president like a stalker. (name) halt, stuffing her hand on her trousers pocket and grabbed the keys. she inserted the key inside the keyhole then twisted it as the door let out a soft click.

the redhead pushed the door opened using the side of her shoulders and entered the school hall. before the door could slammed shut, a hand firmly grasped the door, startling (name) in progress as she glanced behind her back.

her eyes widened as caught a glimpsed of the dual haired male who was trying to hide away from the girl, "stupid idiot, i know you're there, come out." no movement could be seen on the other side of the opened door.

(name) grew impatient and looked over to her wrist watch, "i don't have all day. i have class too, y'know?"

the boy instantly revealed himself and showed his chocolate milk box to the redhead, "this is not what i want!"

(name) signed and shook her head, "oh no, here we go again.." she turned her back against him and walked towards the backstage. bachira childishly trail behind her, "just because you won your tournament against other team, doesn't mean that you can be a brat and not be grateful or thankful,"

the redhead used the other key to opened the wooden door to the backstage, "although i just heard about it today, congrats to you and your team's victory. consider it as a gift from me, meguru-san." the door clicked as she kicked the door and entered the dark room.

yet again, bachira swear that his heart skipped a beat by hearing the redhead said his name. blood started rushing on his face as he looked away to avoid (name) reading his expression, imaginary sweat beside his forehead started to rolled down his face. he silently thanked every god that the room is dark.

the head president switch on the lights and walked towards the table to place the paper bag down. she then entered the restroom to washed her hands. bachira looked down to his chocolate milk and stuffing the box in his jacket. he glanced around the room as he lowly whistled.

the dual haired walked towards the restroom the girl was in and leaned on the door frame. (name) noticed the sudden movement in the mirror behind her, "i told you to go back to class," she walked towards the hand dryer as hot air emmiting from it and does it's job to dried her hands. she pulled her hands away from the hand dryer as it slowly started to deactivate.

she faces the mirror and unbutton the first of her uniform. she loosen the tie around her neck, (name) pale blue lidded eyes made contact with his golden hues, "but you decided to be so stubborn and followed me instead. i gave you a chance to turn back but you didn't," she loosely fix her tie, "that's too late now, guess i have to take your name, huh?"

bachira pushed himself against the door frame and stuffed his hands in his blue jersey. (name) lazily clipped her strands behind her ears with her fringe escaping from the black clip. he smiles, "please write my name till you remember and can't stop thinking about me the whole day!"

(name) furrowed her brows and shook her head, "you're coming with me." she dusted the imaginary dust away from her vest and walked passed the male. he gladly does so and trail the redhead like a lost puppy with a lovestruck smile plastered on his pretty face.

(name) make sure to check the doors are properly locked before continuing her journey to kyogo sensei, not forgetting about the dual haired male. bachira caught up with (name) and decided to fix the thick silence between them, "so (name)-chan, what's inside the bag that you put in the hall just now?" he asked curiously, imaginary cat-like ears appear excitedly above his soft hair.

minutes feels like eternity bachira never received an answer from the girl. he shot another question but (name) never replies. the redhead grew irritated by his voice, she hurriedly walked and halt in front of the teacher's office. (name) examined her watch as bachira quickly check himself. the redhead knocked the door, "kyogo sensei, do you want to build a snowman?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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