meeting with the shredder

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A few days after my patrol disaster if that's what you can call it. I decided to leave the foot clan as I was always tired on school days from late night patrols so I needed some time away from it. So I requested to meet shredder to tell him the news. I was one of his best so I hoped he wouldn't get too mad. I was slightly nervous but I went anyway. I waited around outside until I heard "come in y/n", I walked inside. "Master" i said bowing he indicated at the space in front of him i walked forward and knelt at his feet. I looked up at him. He studied my expression for a moment then he spoke. "Y/n you requested this meeting with me". "Yes master" I said bowing my head to him. He took a breath and continued "may I ask why" he finished looking thoroughly bored with the situation. I noticed this , took a deep breath and started to talk.


"So I would like to take a break from the clan" I finished looking up at him from my place on the floor. "Very well, I hope to see you soon". "thank you master" I said standing up and bowing before walking out of the door.

Time skip brought to you by ice cream kitty

I was sitting in my room replaying the conversation with shredder in my head. I hadn't expected it to go so well. I was so busy thinking I didn't realise it was slowly growing dark outside. I took my hand off my cheek and felt how hot it was. Deciding enough was enough I got up climbed out my window and up onto the roof. I sat on the edge of the of the roof twisting my sais in my hands I heard a few thuds behind me. I jumped up and held my sais in the air ready to fight whoever these punks were. I saw four figures in the shadows they all stepped forward into the light and they were none other than, yep you guessed it the turtles.

Another update wooohooo. This one's a bit longer. Hope your enjoying the story so far. If you have any suggestions for how you want the story to go. Let me know!!
See you in the next one.

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