3. After the Abduction

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The Bridge Crew gathered in the Observation Lounge and Picard began the conversation. "Well as all of you know about Data's abduction, it's a high priority to retrive him". "I think it's important to know why they took him", Geordi advised. The Atmosphere was tensed since their time was limited. "Normaly the Borg kidnap people for Assimilation, but that can't be the case here" Riker added. "Even if Data got injected, his system has a resilient immune system. The probes would be destroyed before causing damge", Geordi threw in. The Borg are fast and the Enterprise can hold her current warp factor for only two hours. If the Borg get away it is near to Impossible to save Data. "Maybe they took him to gain information from him", Worf assumed. Dr. Crusher chimed in: "If the Borg saw Data as information source why didn't they thought of taking him sooner?". "It's unusual in past encounters, Data was ignored by them, making the sudden interest in him even more confusing", Deanna mused. "Whatever reason they captured him for, I think it's best if the Borg don't receive it", Dr. Crusher said. "We should think of some plan to deal with the situation, our time is running short", Picard stated.

Black. The only thing Data saw was black. He felt lost without being able to see or hear and he couldn't make out his surroundings. Slowly his Tactile sensor came back online. Data now felt the cold and hard surface he was laying on. His Arms and Legs were strongly strapped to the surface. Data tried to silp his hand through the restraint but it firmly held his wrist down, leaving no room to wiggle. He heard a faint hum that increased as his hearing senses returned, then the sight sense came back and Data could finally see. He was in a small room with devices in all sizes scathered across it. The walls were covered in dark gray toned metal plates, with some green lights here and there. Thick and thin Wires hanged from the ceiling. Being aware, Data pushed his wrists against the restrains to force them open. But his effort was in vain as the Metal Clamp didn't budge. 'How long was I offline?' Data asked himself. 'What the Fuck do they want from me?' Within the next Minutes two Borg came into the scene. Walking past the Android they were busy some of the devices in the room. Data watched lights on the machines turning on and off before thousend flawlessly synchronized voices spoke at once. "Lieutenant Commander Data Soong. You are the Artificial lifeform." The sudden increased volume startled him. The fact that the Collective mentionted Data by his name made him feel a sense of growing uncomfortable tension im his chest. "I do not usually use my lastname, you know", Data replied. "You will avoid playing games with us", the Collective added menacingly. "'Playing games'? Please you thought it would be a funny idea to abduct someone" the Android pointed out. Suddenly one of the Borg held Data by the chin. The Starfleet officer tried to free his face from the Borg's grip. The Collective continued: "You are Perfect"."Tell your drone to keep their hands off of me", Data hissed. The Borg let him go and the Android kept as much distance to the Borg as possible. "You are deemed worthy of assimilation, it is inevitable", the Hivemind dictated. An enormous wave of dread washed over the officer. It felt like every single program in his head froze for a moment. Trying hard to hide his feelings he added in a low voice: "I think you forgot that I am not compatible with your Technology". The Collective had an answer for that: "We have created specific Nanoprobes for your kind." This feeling of dread intensified. Data attempted to keep his emotions under control. He couldn't let his feelings overwhelm him now! "If you think that I will just pledge myself to you then you are more delusional than I thought", the officer countered. The two Borg moved closer to Data. One drone pushed Data's head onto the Metal surface to ensure that Data's ability to move is as limited as possible. Slowly the Androids jaw got lifted more and more until his throat was completely exposed. The other drone repositioned their arm to close the distance between them and the Android. Data saw in the corner of his eye that the Borg was drawing closer. Before he could say anything in response Data felt a strong stinging sensation in his neck. "The rapid infusion of
nanoprobes runs down your throat. You will
accept us. There is no choice", the voice spoke. He inhailed sharply the air. The Borg's Assimilation tublets were icy cold and burning at the same time penetrating his skin. Thousends of Nanoprobes rushed into Data's body. It felt like he was being lit on fire but few spot felt so cold that snow could lay there. He kept moving desperately trying to get the Borg off of him. "Let- the Fuck- GO!" the Android yelled in anger. "Subject resisting assimilation process. Your Will is irrelevant" the Collective said in response. His Mind filled with thoughts over Assimilation and imperfections of organic Lifeformes as his ownself got pushed to the side. Data's body became weaker barely keeping his eyes open. The Collective reacted to his state "Subject unable to call for assistance. This is
irrelevant. You will not be saved by your
crewmembers" the Hivemind's voice faded into his thoughts "You will cease your
resistance and comply with augmentation". His sight and hearing faded like he was held under water. Beside the thoughts of imperfect Lifefroms and Assimilation, the Collective whispered directly in his mind and into becoming louder. The pain faded as the numbness in his body increased. Any tension disappeared. Data's head twitched to the left before he shut his eyes and became Completely limp again. His breathing hitched sometimes. Data deeply inhaled and exhaled through his mouth. He slightly opens one Eye to reveal a bright green iris, before shutting it again.

 He slightly opens one Eye to reveal a bright green iris, before shutting it again

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"You will
become one with the Borg".

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