5. Changed

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The Slience after the Androids Statement was defening. He announced the change of himself like an extremly weight was lifted from his shoulders, eventhough the four long Wires that dragged behind him seemed anything but a lightweight. They had a sharp blade-like tip. Somniater, as Data now called himself, turned around to laterally face his former colleagues. Worf whispers to Geordi "What do you think could be the purpose of those Wires on his Back?". The Attachments hanged from his Back comparable to growning tendrils grinding over the Metal floor. Careful not to draw too much of Somniater's attention on him, Geordi replied "It's difficult to say that I'd need to look on how exactly the Wires are rooted in his Back". Immediately the Borg-Androids gaze shot across the room. In a deep voice Somniater commented "Curios are we?". In that moment Geordi felt like a deer in headlights. How could he forget that Data's hearing is much more sensitive than all of theirs combined? "Well your interest is legitimate. My wires function as 2 extra sets of Arms", the Android calmly admitted while he lifted all four of his appendages effortlessly.

In one short moment of silence Ensign Young loudly exclaimes "How can you possibly feel Home with the Borg after all? They forced their Technology on so many Spezies!" Somniater gave her an unimpressed glare

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In one short moment of silence Ensign Young loudly exclaimes "How can you possibly feel Home with the Borg after all? They forced their Technology on so many Spezies!" Somniater gave her an unimpressed glare. "What an insolent little Human you are" he paused "How difficult It must be for you to imagine a life here" before anyone could react to his sudden speach pause one of the Wires on his Back shot forward and pulled the frighted Ensign into his arms. With a hissing sound two assimilation tublets fired from his Fingers and made contact with the Ensign's skin. The young women gasped for air desperately trying to free herself form Somniater's cold iron grip. A few drops of blood emerged from the shot point, running along the assimilation tublets. Until the hot blood touched Somniater's ice cold Hand. "There is no need for you to imagine it anymore. You will experience and understand it from now on" he said in a monotonous voice. Knowing it was too late for her, the Away Team powerlessly wittnessed how their Android friend chased Nanoprobes in the young crewmember. Somniater's expression didn't change while he took someone else's life. He stared peacefully down at her. She stopped wheezing and went limp. Young's skin became sickly grey as Somniater continued to stare at the Blood on his Tublets before retracting them.

She dematerialized and left the Away Team and Somniater on their own

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She dematerialized and left the Away Team and Somniater on their own. With green Cat-like eyes he shifted his attention to his former Colleagues. "Since I can already see the desire to ask questions in your faces", he spoke serenely " there is no need for you to be concerned about your friend. I will take care of her now". "Well not just her, you are the next in line" he said in an disturbingly unperturbed voice. Finally someone dared to speak again, "Data-" Geordi muttered "Are you saying that you want to assimilate us too?". All three of them thought of that same question. They recieved no answer. Only a stern slightly annoyed glare from their opponent. Miffed Somniater sighed "Did you pay attention at the beginning?" Confused as to what he exactly meant Geordi was about to ask, before the Android started first "I have told you that my Name is not-" he paused, looking for a paraphrase "the same as before". His expressions calmed a bit and he turned away. Watching them through his prosthetic eye the Borg-Android said "Or why should we not spice the situation up a bit?". The former officer closed the distance between them. Tensed, Riker demanded to know what he meant by 'spice the situation up'? Somniater stared for a few seconds before softly smiling at them. At that moment he showed an innocent Data-like expression. "Ahaha, another curious one" he chuckled amused. "How does this sound? In your current situation you have two options. First one all of you and the entire Enterprise will surrender to me and get Assimilated right away". He paused, as if he expected to see a certain reaction. Almost sounding disappointed "But that would be the fast way out of this. You could of course choose the second option, I mean- could it be 'worse' then the first one?". The uneasiness was still visible in Somniater's former Colleagues the imagination of Data assimilating other species was far from pleasant. "Oh do not worry it would be unfair to not tell you anything about the second option. The second option" Somniater spoke turning away from them "It would give you Protection from future Borg attacks, no matter how my ships you will encounter none will harm the Enterprise for six months. But when those six months run out" he turned around "I will personally hunt your ship down and disassemble it into its individual parts". Somniater's voice became sinister "What will it be?". The Away Team was speechless. The fact that Data would take such an extreme measures made them question if this was still the Data they knew or someone they never met before.

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