chapter 2

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Dean's POV

I just went to the market and I got a job and I could start as soon as tomorrow and I went home and saw my little sister and I went to my room and I opened the book that the girl dropped and it was a diary I read a little bit of it and she wrote all about how her mom and twin sister don't like her and how her name is sapphire and how her sister is Rory the girl I talked to earlier maybe she isn't as nice as I thought but I will ask her later today and I found Rory and she told me that her sister lies a lot so don't believe her and I nodded.

Sapphire's POV

I walked home and took a nap and when I woke up Rory started yelling at me how that I apparently told dean that they both didn't like me and I wanted to cry and she said what are you going to cry go cry little baby and I ran as fast as I could as far as I could I think somehow when I stopped I'm not in Stars hollow anymore I don't know where I am I sat down on the sidewalk and started crying my eyes out hugging my Bunny I'm scared I don't know where I am I don't know where anyone is and I don't see anyone I'm very scared and a little while back I fell down and scraped my knees so now I'm bleeding.

Unknowns POV

I was getting food for the idijits and me when I saw a small figure and I started walking closer with my angel blade out but behind me just Incase and I saw it was a small girl and I walked up to her and crouched down to her level and said hello and she brought her head up and said hi and I asked what her name was and she said Sapphire and I said well hi sapphire I'm Bobby and then I asked if she was ok and she shook her head no and I asked what was wrong and she told me her twin and mom hates her and her sister told her to run away and she did but she doesn't know where she is now and her knees are bleeding and her face has dirt all over it and I asked if she would like to come home with me so I could clean her up and get her some food and she nodded and I asked if she could walk she said she could but she started crying as soon as she stood up so I picked her up bridal style and put her in the truck and now we are heading to my house and we got there and I picked her up again and we got inside and the boys asked what happened and I told them and I told them to grab the hydrogen peroxide and bandages and I carried her to the bathroom and I started cleaning her up but she cried because of the stringing but then we were done so I gave her a lollipop that I had and she started getting quite but then I saw how her Bunny was dirty so I asked if I could wash it but she clung to it but Sam told her that she could cling to him and he picked her up and put her in his lap and she handed me the Bunny and I told her that I would take very good care of him and she nodded and I put it in the washer and after we gave her some food she wanted to take a nap so Sam took her to his room and laid her down and he went to sleep with her because she wouldn't let him go and me and dean just started talking about what we would do with her and we have absolutely no clue but we decided to take a picture of her and print pictures out and wrote down her name and asked if anybody knows her please call because we found her on the side of the road and we put them up all around including around Stars hollow.

Michele's POV

I was walking around when I saw a flyer with Sapphire saying do you know me and it says where someone found her and I got my phone out and called the number and said hello and some guy answered it saying hello this is Bobby Singer and I said hello I saw the flyer of the girl I know her and he said really and I said yes I take care of her instead of her mom and they gave me the address and I said I will meet you in 20 and he said ok so I got my car and I drove to the place and it looks like a junkyard and I saw a house so I walked up and knocked on it and a kinda old guy answered and asked if I was Michele and I said yes so he let me in and he woke her up and she screamed Michele and she hugged me and I said hi saph and I asked if she was ready to go home and she said yea and I gave the guy her school's address so they can give her Bunny back to her and they said bye to her and we left and I dropped her off at home luckily Rory wasn't here and I found out they have a town meeting tonight but she doesn't go and she went to bed and I told her I would wake her up for school tomorrow and she said ok.

Sapphire's POV

I woke up a little while ago and I got dressed into

With my bubble's paci and my bubble's sippy cup and Michele drove me to school and I said bye and he said have a good day

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With my bubble's paci and my bubble's sippy cup and Michele drove me to school and I said bye and he said have a good day.

Time Skip to lunch----------------------------------

Me Zeke and the others including Robby were eating outside when I saw Bobby who helped me yesterday and I said Bobby and he came over and said hello Sapphire here's your Bunny and I squealed and said thank you for taking good care of him and he said of course but he gave me and burner and said to call him or Sam and Dean Incase I want to and I said kk and he left and we kept eating after he left and they asked what that was about and I told them what happened and they said ok and we kept eating.

Time Skip to the end of the day--------------

We all were waiting outside when Michele picked me up again and I told him about my day and he took me to the inn again and I helped him with call's and I was sitting criss cross on top of the counter and I was helping him with the annoying people and when they saw me they asked why I was on the counter and I told them that I could be and they checked in and said ok.

(4:35 pm)
(1217 word's)

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