Chapter 1(The Tutoring Lesson)

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*School Bell Rings*

Anthony: Finally, I'm free
Anthony:*Packs up things and gets ready to walk out the classroom door*
Mr. Klye: Hold it there, Anthony.
Mr. Kyle: Anthony*he said in a disappointing voice* You're failing all my classes
Anthony: I-I know I'm just....
Mr. Kyle: *sighs* How about I give you free tutoring lessons?
Anthony: T-That would be great Mr.Kyle
Mr. Kyle: Ok, drop by my place 7pm sharp
Anthony: ok, Mr. Kyle

        After school, Anthony took the bus home to do his leftover work and get something to eat before he left for Mr. Kyle's place.Anthony got dressed after finishing dinner and left for Mr.Klye"s place. 6:57pm Anthony arrived at Mr. Kyle's place and reached for the door handle, but it opened, and standing behind it was Mr. Kyle dressed in what seemed to be a unhinged bathrobe.Mr.Kyle apologized as it seemed he had forgotten about the whole thing.
        Mr. Kyle left Anthony in and told him to wait in his office space while he got ready. Anthony did as he told and headed to his office space and sat down after waiting 17 minutes he finally saw Mr. Kyle is coming towards him. The problem is that he is on in his boxers
No shirt, no pants, nothing Anthony was spooked a bit and question Mr. Kyle

Anthony: S-Sir, why aren't you wearing any clothes....?
Mr. Kyle: Come on, Anthony, isn't it obvious I don't care if you fail my classes I just want to fuck you.

       Anthony was shocked and paralyzed in fear, and he murmured out:

Anthony: B-But...I'm 14, and you're 36...
Mr. Kyle: I dont care about the age gap! I only want you, love~

      Mr.Kyle taking advantage of Anthony being paralyzed and took off his clothes.Anthony tried his best to resist, but Mr. Kyle was too strong to defeat. Anthony gave up and gave in.

Mr. Klye: Good boy, Anthony~

     Smart Boy~ Mr. Klye said in a bit of a menacing voice. Mr. Kyle layed down and placed Anthony on top of him. Mr. Kyle grabbed Anthony's waist tightly and moved him lower and lower until he touched his dick.
Anthony knew what Mr. Kyle wanted and began to ride his dick going at the perfect pace.

Mr. Kyle: Very Clever Boy Anthony, just for that, I'll stop here for today.

     Let's make a deal. I give you straight A's if you do as I say. Mr. Kyle said in a soft but menacing voice. Anthony had no choice but to listen, so he nodded his head in agreement.Good boy Anthony, Mr. Kyle said.
ok, the thing you have to do is tomorrow when you come hide under my desk and whenever I drop my pen and look under the desk you'll unbuckle my pants and suck on my dick. Anthony hesitated before saying yes to his request.

Mr:Kyle: Oh, and before you leave, just remember, "If I have any reason to think you might tell the police I'll make sure to kill you before you do~"

      Anthony put on his clothes, grabbed his belongings, and bolted out the door of Mr. Kyle's house. He looked back once and saw Mr. Kyle is looking at him from the window on the side of his house, mouthing the words "remeber what I said~"

Pt.2 soon

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