Chapter III

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(Vilana, having dyscalculia: the Roman numerals make it wayyy easier to see numbers) (Phantom: Yay) Vilana woke up after about three hours. Vilana sighed as she was woken up abruptly by the annoying beeping noises. She flickered on the light, illuminating the dorm room.(Vilana: i need help with da writing im stoopid) (Phantom: k.)

Vilana sighed. She wasn't ready for today. She would be constantly picked on because of the fact that she has a robot arm. At this point, she lost count on how many detentions she got for something she didn't even do. (Phantom: I'm by myself~ Again~ Vilana ain't here~ I am so good at writing~ Lalalalalaaaa~) "Vi, c'mon. If you want, I could get you breakfast and just bring it to the dorm before classes." Phantom offered.

(Phantom: Vilana ain't here~ Imma keep writing her part~ Even if she bullies me in reality~) Vilana shook her head. "That's alright." She replied. I'll have to face those bullies one day. Why not now? She trudged out, still hesitant to go outside. "Are you sure, Vi? It's not a big deal if you just want to stay." Phantom said again.

Vilana was so tempted to instantly agree with him but she didn't. She was already holding him down enough. Vilana tried to take long on those endless stairs, claiming her foot had been bruised. However, the steps weren't as endless as she thought and she was in the food line before she knew it.

"Hey, look! It's the freak." A girl whispered from behind Vilana, causing her cheeks to burn. (Phantom: *sees Vilana log on* I wasn't singing! I-I was just uhhhhhh) (Vilana: i didnt see u singing lol dw) (Phantom: No think-y! Just type-y!) "Oh my god, you're right!" Another girl whispered back.

Phantom grabbed Vilana's hand and put her in front, glaring at the girls behind them. (Phantom: Yasss! I slay!) Vilana tried to keep quiet for a few minutes, fidgeting with the robotic hand. She was trying so hard not to feel insecure about it. "Oh my god! It might come off!" The girl yelped, instantly scrambling to get away. "Ewww! That's gross! I don't wanna see that! Get away, freak!" The other cried out, running out of reach.

Although the first thing on top of Vilana's list was not to cause a scene first thing in the morning, this was annoying. However, she still felt a pang of guilt for making them run off even if it wasn't her fault. "Vi, it's alright. I'll beat them up later." Phantom said, clearly not joking.

"You don't need to. I don't want you to get in trouble for no reason" She looked at her robotic arm, clearly wanting to hide away and curl into a Vilana ball. (Phantom: *sobs*) Phantom gave one more glare to the girls and continued to progress in the line. Vilana kept her head down, continuously glancing behind her at the frightened girls.

She felt the robotic arm and her hand trembling. She didn't understand what was happening. (Phantom: What's going on?) (Vilana: it's gonna trigger the flashback )

Then adrenaline coursed through her. Vilana dumped her tray, causing her breakfast to spill everywhere. She began running out of the lunchroom. She felt everyone's piercing eyes glaring at her. Even the bullies whispered among themselves as she ran out.

She ignored Phantom's worried glance.(Phantom: Why you ignore me?!) It felt terrifying like she was reliving the day she lost her arm. She ran into her dorm and slammed the door shut. She flickered the lights off, hoping no one would find her like this.

She hated being reminded of that. Vilana didn't want to worry Phantom more than she already has. She curled up into a Vilana ball, trying to ignore the rest of the world and block out a painful memory.

Vilana was walking down the halls quietly. Trying to keep her head down the entire time. Then in a flash, Vilana didn't remember what happened as it happened so quickly. Vilana was being held down. Before feeling something detach roughly.

"Please stop! Please stop!!" Vilana cried out before seeing her robot arm on the floor, completely destroyed and ruined. She heard the giggles of the girls as they left her on the floor. " no." Vilana ran over to the arm, trying to put it back together.

She sobbed as she held the broken robotic arm. Then, Vilana was pulled out of it. She gasped as she went back to reality, curling in on herself even tighter. She ignored the pounding on the door which was probably Phantom knocking. But she didn't want to open it. She already felt like a burden.

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