chap 1

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Sir Cole Crosswood, head detective on mission s.c.o.u.t, at only 19 years old Cole is the number one detective of A.C.M.E.G (Agency to Classify and Monitor Evildoers Of Our Galaxy). "ATTENTION!" the room quickly falls silent "as you know , our new mission is to take down the talon, the hands of our galaxy our in your hands if we fail so will the galaxy. There will be no such thing as a free life in the dormant system. Crosswood will be our head detective and Chief Fuijimson will lead the attacks. This is our biggest mission yet, And i will not hesitate to kick any of you off this team. Understood?" "Yes sir!" The crowd left the room in an orderly stampede the sound of their shoes snapping against the floor. Cole is the only one left in the seemingly empty room , ask hit sits down on his slick leather chair the light sound of a loose floorboard fills the room his eyes fix on the think case file, The words "TALON" spread across the front, He opens the file and the first page reads "A mass amount of missing citizens of reinsted of been reported missing, our goal is to find these people and why they were taken once all 17 people are located , our next goal is to find the Talon.." The file quickly shuts as Cole rises from his chair, there's no doubt Cole hates putting things off as he feels there's always something you may miss, he rests his hand on the cold bronze door handle the door flies open as Cole exits the room and heads to the car park. A sleek black car rests in the car park; the brown leather seats inside make it seem like an ordinary car, just how Coles likes it. The engine revs as the screech of the tires peirce the air , Coles rough hands grip the tethered steering wheel tightly

"Crosswood, do you copy?" "Yes Chief." "Sir wants you on the peer, a suspected trade of something." "I'm on my way, Crosswood signing off."

Cole's foot storms the pedal. Within no time Cole reaches his destination, the smell of rotting wood clutters the area, "I'm at the location, do you copy?" "Make your way to the left edge of the peer, I'll guide you from there" "Roger that Chief" behind the dark cobblestone walls , Coles slips through the night. On the 3rd dock stands two tall figures, "Crosswood, what do you see?" "Two tall figures Chief" "Can you get closer Cole?" "I'm afraid not Sir" "Listen in then,meet me back at the office once they leave. And don't screw this up, got it? Fujimson signing off." "Rude." Cole says under his breath, one of the tall figures pulls out a large briefcase , "Gabriel, You've- really outdone yourself this time, ill notify the boss once im back" says the other "your shipment won't be here for next week. We've hit a slight roadblock " "you know we won't wait forever, we want the stuff and we want it now. The boss has given you 6 weeks." "We won't disappoint you sir" "better not." Both figures leave the peer in opposite directions."Chief, leaving the scene now." with a swift step crosswood falls back into the seat of his car. Coles Radio buzzes, Mr Kloppenns voice plays over the static radio"Mr Crosswood do you copy?" he says in a thick accent "Yes sir, what can i do for you" "when you arrive at the office please meet me in my office, there's much to discuss and we don't have very long." "I'm on my way sir." The radio buzzes again Once again the air fills with the subtle screech of the tires, The night air seeps through the slightly open window as the city lights start to turn on, street lamps, signs, everything really. The city's nightlife isn't busy, it's just a small city located in the west of planet Nexus, it's small and secluded which is why it's the perfect place for illegal trade. The car pulls into the driveway as Cole rushes inside to meet with kloppen. "Hello Cole. Thanks for meeting me here. I'm going to keep this straight,understand?" "yes sir" "we've received intel of talons main goal but the only way to confirm this 'intel' is to find out what was in that briefcase saw." "I understand, so what would you like me to do?" "agent devino places a tracker on the ship Talons buyer is on, it's currently on its way to plane Aziri, so we need to act fast. We've signed you onto a Riot 1840 so you can get to Aziri before Talon does." "Yes Sir" he puts his fist up his chest doing the Nexus salute "if you are caught make you way back Immediately, if you are followed we will send out back up, understand?" "Yes Chief" Cole leaves the room almost immediately as he pulls on his thick leather gloves, outside lays a riot fighter plane with a black helmet set on the ground next to it, as he pulls the tight helmet over his head, he thinks of his father, he was once a pilot who flew this very plane Cole was glad to follow his footsteps looking forward to his journey ahead. 

a/n i have  started a second chapter if yous wann see it - tobes 

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