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It's march . Everyone I have around looks like are screaming into my ear that they like someone,more than that,they are obsessed!I heard it that much that I couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Look at him!"
"Ah,he's staring at me!"
It went to a point where I wanted to LIKE someone.I tried,I swear I did.But it didn't work.The ambition to obsess over a human being comes hard,when you don't expect it.
So all i could do was wait.I didn't have anyone that i could "like".Anyone I could drain my feelings on.The boys in my class were mizzerable,and so we're the guys in my dance class.Or so I thought.
It's been said that the type of boys that do sportive dance look like miracles,and the girls that knew them are considered LUCKY.
But I wasn't lucky.All the males i knew in my classes ,except my best friend and some other guy,no one was hitting my heights.
Although they were pretty I could never like them.No,that would've been impossible.
The clock hit 1 am.I headed to bed,trying to not collapse onto the ground,where my books were laying,screaming at me to read them and learn what I needed to for the next day.
I had an important exam tomorrow,a test for which i haven't really studied anything.
My eyes holded dark bags under,and so i dropped my body onto the bed.My face was now belonging to my sheets.The sheets that hold onto my tears years along.
I let out a long sight.I hoped i could sleep,although I knew I couldn't.
I turned my body,my face now facing the roof.My mind started factoring.
'Hm.'I loved making fake scenarios.I hugged one of my stuffed bear.I holded his fluffy head into my nose,imagining 'his' hair.
But who was this 'his'?I had back times when I used to dream some guys,and that's how some of my obsessions started.So i couldn't think of anyone,all i could do is fall asleep,andp wait,i guess...
I closed my eyes and i saw throught my sight some freidns of mine.
I couldn't realise I dozed off.
It was a sweet bavard hill.With a red house,that was holding some hays.I traversed some alleys and got near the house.It was a party into it.I trout the door and made my place in.All of them were my friends.It looked like a club.
I got into the vibe of it,so I started dancing . A guy from my dance class came to me and sweetly smiled.His name was Enri.I always thought that name was unique.He was a tall,dirty blonde guy with grey-ish-green eyes.His smile was radious shined.I gave a swift look into his eyes and then i stepped off.
And then i woke up.

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