Crime Prompt: Sins Of Mamba

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"I know what you did"

This was a message sent to Cobra along with a picture of a red-stained knife which Cobra recognized immediately.

Cobra:... How did they know...?

Cobra: I hid it so well...

"I'm coming for your head"

A new picture of Cobra where he currently stood was sent to him.

Cobra: Uh-oh.


Narrowly avoiding the bullet, Cobra ducked into an alleyway, quickly climbing up a fire escape ladder to try and escape.

Upon reaching the top, Cobra was face to mask-with his assassin.

This person was part of the Zodiac project much like Cobra. Their code name was Tiger, but Cobra didn't yet realize this.

Kicking Cobra in the face, Tiger knocked the man off the ladder where he plummeted back down to the alley.


Swinging his whip around a flag pole, Cobra saved himself from a hard landing and swung away from Tiger.

Tiger: There is no escape! All paths lead to death!

Cobra: Hold on! Let's just talk-

Tiger leaped off the roof and tackled Cobra while he was at the end of his swing. The added weight and force snapped the flagpole leading the two to crash into a speeding car that carried them along to the highway.

Tiger: RAGH!

She was absolutely feral. Sitting atop Cobra, she viciously beat on him on the roof of the car, as Cobra desperately raised his arms to block as much as he could.

Cobra: Ugh! Enough, is Enough!

Raising his foot, Cobra managed to kick her in the back of the head. On instinct, she turned around expecting another enemy, but by the time she realized what hit her, Cobra kicked her off the car.

Tiger dug her hands into the side of a passing semi-truck and hung to it, glaring daggers at Cobra.

Cobra: Diplomacy be damned! If you want my head, you've got to earn it.

With his whip, Cobra attacked Tiger, who crawled along the side of the truck's trailer, like a spider until she reached the end where she then caught Cobra's whip and tried pulling him over.

Cobra pulled back beginning a match of tug of war, which Tiger ended by suddenly letting the whip go, making Cobra fall back by the force he was exerting.


Luckily, another car drove by, letting him turn his fall into a cartwheel which allowed him to "safely" land on the next vehicle.

By the time he landed, Tiger was atop the trailer, glaring at her prey, and preparing for her next attack.

Driver: Dude! What the heck, get off my car!!

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