Chapter 30

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Hey guys, sorry this has taken so long, I've had serious writers block and it only shifted slightly :L this one is dedicated to the beautiful larisssaa, a new found friend and a really nice, cool person c: xxx


Ella’s POV.

After being with Harry for more than 6 months, I was surprised I hadn’t been involved with a mob or run-and-hide situation. But then, Harry had always kept me sheltered from that. I think, after I told him about my likelihood to get panic attacks, he avoided every situation like that when he was with me. Bless.

After we locked the front door, I followed Niall through to the kitchen and plonked myself down on the countertop next to the sink. Niall started raiding he fridge as Harry came over to me. He twisted a strand of my hair round his finger, before intertwining his hands in mine. Our noses were touching before Niall looked over and yelled something indistinguishable. I snorted- yes, snorted- and looked at him. “Pardon?” Niall shook his head and swallowed. “PDA much! Keep it PG.” Looked at Harry and he raised his eyebrows. “Mate, after you and Paige getting it on, I don’t think you’re a one to talk.” I pinched his hand, too late. Niall frowned at Harry. “How do you know?” He asked in a small voice. Harry cleared his throat. “Um, Liam- Liam told us.” He covered. I smiled, thankful that he didn’t give away Paige’s secret. Niall looked sheepish. “Yeah alright.” I suddenly thought of something. “Niall? I thought you believed in no sex before marriage or something?” Niall shrugged and looked at the ground. “Yeah, I do- or did- or- I dunno. Paige was just so beautiful, and she was grinding up against me, and- I couldn’t help myself.” Harry, I could tell, was torn between laughing and feeling sorry for Niall. “Ok, Niall- I didn’t need to know the deets.” He laughed, his old, happy, carefree self back, and he turned to the fridge again. Harry pulled my gaze back to him, and ran a hand up my thigh. I gasped. Niall looked over again, yelled something at us we still couldn’t distinguish, before heading to the lounge. Harry grinned, before pushed his lips against mine. We were kissing, but it was more passionate than usual, more forced yet gentler, more loving than most other kisses. I moved my legs apart so I was half straddling him, as we worked our tongues into a fierce battle inside each other’s mouths. Harry moaned slightly as I pulled away and moved my mouth to his neck. I sucked on his neck, giving him a hickey, before he smashed his mouth on mine again. He grinded his crotch up against mine, and I felt a bump. I pulled back and smiled cheekily at him, as he moaned softly again. He kissed my neck, and returned my hickey. My turn to moan. He slid his hand up the inside of my thigh, and I semi screamed. Just then the doorbell rang, and Niall screamed “Oi, lovebirds! Keep it PG, the lads and Paul are here!” I heard footsteps as Niall ran to the door. Harry kissed me once more, before pulling off the counter and hurrying to greet the others. I heard Louis tackle Harry to the ground, yelling “YOU DID IT! HARRAEH IS GETTING MARRIED!” Laughing, I walked over to them and immediately got engulfed in a massive group hug. “Hey Ella!” Zayn shouted, squeezing me tightly. Liam pulled him off and did the same. “Mrs Styles, aye?” I blushed. “Give it a few months, and I still wont let you call me that.” Liam pouted and I laughed. “What?! It makes me sound like a school teacher!” Laughing, Liam turned to Harry, as Louis tried to knock me down too. “Hey, you’ve gotten stronger.” He commented when I didn’t fall. “You can thank Harry for that.” I winked at Harry, who laughed, and led everyone into the living room. Louis slung his arm over my shoulder, and dragged me along. “You sure I can stay?” I asked, sitting down next to Paul. “Oh, it’s fine. In fact, we need to talk about your wedding, too.” Paul smiled at me. I nodded. “Ok. What’s the problem?” I asked. Paul looked at Harry. “Harry, firstly Simon wants to know who your best man is going to be, because he has a request of him. Secondly, Liam here wanted to know if he could DJ.” Liam blushed, as Harry and I started giggling. “Sure thing, Liam.” I said, and he pumped his fist in the air. “Ye-es!” laughing, Zayn pulled his hand down. “Shut up Liam, Paul hasn’t finished.” He scolded. “Hm. Well, thirdly, Simon wants to check the guest list. And finally, he wants to know where you guys are going to have it.” I looked at Harry. “That’s a lot of info needed.” Harry said, tugging his collar. “Well- I think it would be nice- for Ella,” he took my hand in his before continuing, “I think it would be nice to get married when we go to New Zealand.” I smiled, and squeezed his hand. “But there wont be time when we go for our tour.” Paul said. “Well, maybe- maybe we go there for our winter, their- summer?” Harry asked, glancing at me. I nodded- Harry was still unsure of the weather and seasons I’d gotten used to. Paul looked thoughtful. “That is not a bad idea.” I smiled at Harry. Louis and Niall, both of whom had gotten bored with this wedding talk, had started a quiet, subtle (ish) game of arm wrestling, but looked up as Paul got out his mobile and called Simon. I was trembling slightly- I suddenly realised I felt a bit sick. I whispered to Harry, before getting up and slowly walked out o the room. Shutting the door so none of them could see me, I ran up the stairs to the bathroom at the other end of the house, before chucking up in the toilet. I flushed, before resting my head in my hand. Why did I feel like this? And so suddenly, too. I was definitely not pregnant; Harry always used protection. Maybe it was food poisoning from Camden. Or the pain from the tattoo was finally sinking in. Either way, I felt terrible. I pulled out my phone and texted what I thought was Harry, telling him I was not well and was going to try and sleep it off. I crawled into Harry’s bed, and tried to fall asleep. A minute later, though, Zayn was in the room. “You ok, Ella?” I rolled over to look at him. “Oh, did I text you instead of Harry?” Zayn nodded. “Crap. I’m sorry.” Zayn laughed, and sat down on the bed. “It’s alright, Harry can’t get away anyways, he’s talking to Simon. You alright?” He asked again. I shook my head. “No point in pretending. I feel like total shit.” I cursed. Zayn stroked my hair out of my face. “Your not- pregnant, are you?” he asked, the thought obviously randomly hitting him. I shook my head. “Protected every time.” I say. I felt the sick rising in me again, and dashed to the bathroom again. As I heaved, Zayn came in and held my hair back. “Thank you.” I whisper hoarsely, wiping my mouth and flushing. “No problem hun.” He took my hand and led me back to Harry’s bed, and tucked me in. “ZAYN!” Louis voice screeched out from downstairs. He rolled his eyes. “I’ll send Harry up in a minute, ok?” He kissed my forehead, and headed downstairs. I shut my eyes and drifted off slightly. I sensed Harry come in and sit down next to me, but I didn’t stir. His hand stroking my hair slowly but surely sent me off to a deep sleep.

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