Chapter 32

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Ella’s POV.

We didn’t really talk until we got to Perrie’s house. I kissed Harry goodbye and hurried up to her front door. I had barely knocked before the door flew open, and Perrie stood glaring at me. “Oh, it’s you.” She said, her expression softening. She looked behind my shoulder at Harry’s car as it disappeared around the corner. “Come in.” She tugged me inside, before shutting and locking the door. “Um, Perrie?” I asked tentatively. She looked at me weirdly, before stumbling into the living room, motioning me to follow. She switched the light on, and sat down on the couch, curled up in a ball. I followed her, and noticed the pictures covering the coffee table. I picked one up and squinted at it. And my breath caught.

It was an incredibly cute picture of Zayn and Perrie, from years and years ago, signed by Zayn, saying “Would you wanna stay? If I were to say, I want to be your last first kiss.” I smiled slightly at the song quote, and picked up another one. Again, it was of Zayn and Perrie being cute, but this time with a sad song quote, from Little Mix. “In my memory, all the small things, like daggers in my mind, in my memory, while my head bleeds, the words I'll never find, that I always meant to say to you I can't”.  I bit my lip. Her shoulders were shaking with silent sobs, her dyed multi-coloured hair covering her face. I put the photo down, before sitting down next to her and taking her in my arms. She fell apart, sobbing uncontrollably. I let her cry onto me, shushing her softly. I didn’t know the experience myself, but I knew what she needed right then. I stood her up, and led her to the kitchen, got out a tub of ice cream and two spoons. We tucked in, and her breathing returned to normal, slowly but surely. After half the tub was gone, she eventually spoke. “I’m sorry, Ella.” She said thickly, through a mouthful of ice cream. I shook my head, and swallowed my mouthful before replying. “Hey, I came round to see if you were alright, I was expecting this.” I winked at her, making her smile slightly. “I’m still sorry.” She said, and we giggled. “But, Perrie, you know Zayn- he wasn’t cheating on you. He kissed an old friend on the cheek, the angle of the camera made it look different. They’d just made up after years of hating each other.” Perrie glanced at me. “So- he was telling the truth?” She whispered, wiping chocolate ice cream from her mouth. I nodded. “And from what it sounded like when he called Harry, he was in a worse state than you.”

Harry’s POV.

I drove as fast as I could to Zayn’s place.  He sounded an absolute mess on the phone, worse than I’ve ever heard him. And I’d been there when Hatchi got hit by that car.

Pulling into the driveway, I rushed out and up to the front door. I’d barely knocked before it flew open and Niall dragged me through to the kitchen. “He’s locked himself in his room. I’m making tea to try and get in.” I nod, and head up the stairs to Zayn’s room. I try the handle, but with no avail. I bang on the door loudly. “ZAYN! Open up.” Zayn let out a string of coarse swear words. “I”LL KNOCK THIS DOOR DOWN! NIALL! WE’RE KNOCKING DOWN THE DOOR!” I yelled. Niall hurried up the stairs and put the tea down on a table in the hall. He came and stood next to me, and started a countdown. “ONE, TWO, THREE!” We charged towards the door, just as Zayn flung it open. He took one look at us rushing towards him and threw himself out of the way. Niall tried to stop himself from falling, just as I crashed into him. We fell on a heap on the floor, Niall cracking up laughing. I pulled myself up by the bed as Zayn sat down, head in his hands. I glanced at Niall, who controlled his laughter quickly, and sat down next to Zayn. “Come on, mate. She’ll come around.” Niall put his arm around Zayn’s shoulders, which were slightly shaking. I checked my phone to see if Ella had any luck with Perrie. “Get Zayn cleaned up, we’re coming round. X” I smiled, before turning to Zayn. “Right, get up. Niall, go put an outfit together. Zayn, go wash your ace and brush your teeth.” The two of them looked at me like I had lost it. “Just do it.” I say, grabbing Zayn by the arm and pulling him towards his bathroom. I handed him a wet flannel and he scrubbed his face and eyes. Once he brushed his teeth, I handed him a piece of gum, and shooed him over to Niall. Niall was not taking this seriously. He had three outfits lain out on the bed. One was hot pink shorts and green button up top with lizards, and one was entirely blue, with tight skinny jeans and white t-shirt and a blue waistcoat with tropical fish on it. The last outfit was more acceptable. We helped Zayn into a red singlet, and green shorts, with blue Vans and a white hoodie. He brushed his hair, and stood before me with his arms crossed. “Harry, what’s going on.” I smirked. “Ella is bringing Perrie round in about-” I got cut off by the doorbell. My smile grew wider, and Zayn looked pale. Niall squeezed his arm. “Don’t panic, Zayn. It’ll be fine.” He pulled him downstairs and made him open the door. I texted Ella, before hurrying downstairs to join them.

Ella’s POV.

After we finished our ice cream, Perrie agreed to come with me to see Zayn. I helped her dress in a fluffy purple jumper and black high waist skirt, before she pulled her hair up into a bun and tied a pink srunchie around the top. She pulled on her purple velvet doc martens as I texted Harry to tell him, and we hurried out into the cold sunlight. She’d left her car at Zayn’s after storming out earlier, so we walked the five blocks to his house. The melting snow was being replaced with a fresh coat as snowflakes gently drifted down from the sky. As we walked, I told Perrie what had happened to Paige. When I finished, she looked gob smacked. “Oh my god. What’s she gonna do?” she asked, our heads bent against the wet snow that was starting a small blizzard. I shrugged. “She doesn’t even know if she is pregnant yet.” I cracked my knuckles. “But if it’s Coop, shit’s gonna go down.” Perrie put her hand on my arm to calm me. “ Hey, if it is, it is, if it isn’t, it isn’t. There’s nothing we can do to change it if it is.” She pointed out. I sighed. She was right. We turned a corner, and arrived at Zayn’s driveway. Perrie blanched, and turned to walk back, but I pulled her by the arm to his front door and made her press the doorbell. Niall’s hand could be seen pulling the door open, before he hurried to the staircase and leant against the banister, as Harry came down. I pushed Perrie forwards so she was face to face with Zayn, who pulled her close into a tight embrace, his shoulders shaking slightly as tears rolled down both their faces. “I’m so sorry.” Sobbed Perrie, as she buried her face in his neck. “I’m sorry too, babe. I love you so much.” He whispered, pulling her in for a kiss. I slipped past and hugged Niall, before standing with my arm over Harry's shoulder. He pecked my cheek. “Well done.” He murmured. Just then, my phone rang, really loud, making Zayn and Perrie break apart. I blushed, before scrambling for my phone, which was now singing: ‘I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE, YOU OTHER BROTHERS CAN’T DENY, WHEN A GIRL WALKS IN WITH AN IDDY BIDDY WAIST THEN A ROUND THING IN YOUR FACE YOU GET-’

“Hello?” I queried. “Ella, I did the test.” I breathed in sharply.            “Has Coop found out? Did he catch you?” I ask. I realized then that everyone was looking at me. I mouthed sorry, before slipping into the kitchen to talk privately. “No, he didn’t.” I let out a sigh of relief. “So? What does it say?” I asked, tentatively. There was silence on the other end. “Paige? What did it say.” I heard Lucy say something, before Paige answered. “I’m pregnant.” She whispered. I cursed loudly. Harry came in, concerned. “Paige-” I start to say. Harry shushed me, as Niall followed him into the room, along with Zayn and Perrie. The way they were, you’d never have thought they were almost broken up five minutes ago. “I’ll be home in 20 minutes, Paige. Get Lucy to put the oven on, I’ll make you toad in the hole for tonight.” Paige sniffed a thank you, before hanging up. I put the phone down on the table, and ran my hands through my hair. Harry put his hand on my back. “What was it?” He whispered. I looked at him, the truth pouring from my eyes, and his face drooped. “We have to tell Niall.” I said, a little too loud. “Tell me what?” He asked, looking up from his phone. I glanced at Harry, who nodded. “Paige- she’s-” My voice broke, and tears slid down my cheeks. Perrie rushed over from Zayn and hugged me. Harry put his hand on Niall’s arm. “Paige is pregnant.” Niall’s eyes grew wide, and he turned whiter than the countertops, before he fell backwards onto Harry. He caught him, and with Zayn’s help carried him to the living room and lay him down on the couch. Perrie slung her arm over my shoulder, and we followed. I picked up my coat in the hall, and kissed Harry. “I’d better get back to her. See you tonight?” He hugged me tight, before nodding. “I’ll pick you up at 6.” I hugged Zayn and Perrie, before hurrying outside to the almost opaque snowfall and hailed a taxi. I sat there in shock. What was going to happen next?

Points Of View (One Direction Fanfic)*BEING EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now