Chapter 2

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Sunny agreed to stand outside the store with Hero and Basil. "Sunny? Do you feel okay?" Hero looked down at me, looking concerned. He looked away and sighed. "Decent...." Sunny mumbled quietly and grabbed closer to Basil, causing him to squeal. "If you're sure, Sunny!" Sunny looked up to the sky, it turning dark and stormy. "Oh! It's going to rain!" Hero pulled Sunny closer to him. "Do you guys want to go home?" Sunny nodded and Basil slumped his head onto Sunny's shoulder. "Can I hang out with you at your house, Sunny?"

Sunny nodded and Hero handed him an umbrella. "You can return it to me when we next meet." Sunny opened the umbrella and grabbed Basil's hand. He started to walk home, Basil brushing up near him. "Sunny....Do you think it's time?" Sunny stopped and looked around him. "Well, Your parents said that you could stay with me and Polly and that leaves time for us to tell them before they hate us..."

Sunny continued to walk and finally, they got to Basil's house. Sunny knocked on the door and Polly opened it nearly instantly. "Oh Hello, you Too!" She hugged Sunny and Basil and let them in, shutting the door behind them. "You want to go to my room, Sunny?" Sunny nodded and He and Basil walked up the stairs to his room. Sunny sat down on Basil's bed and sighed. "Sure..." Basil flinched and
looks at Sunny. "Tomorrow...?" Sunny nodded and looks at Basil.

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