Chapter 3

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(A Day After Chapter 2)

Aubrey sat on Hero's couch, waiting for Kel, Hero, and Sunny. Basil sat next to her, reading a book. Aubrey wanted to ask Basil something about Sunny. "Hey Basil. Can I ask ya something?" Basil closed the book and placed it next to him. "Yes?" Aubrey sighed, glancing behind her to check if anyone was there. "About Sunny, I want to have a sleepover. Could you tell him?" Basil nodded.

"Thanks!" Aubrey stood up and helped Basil up. "Let's go find Sunny! He probably forgot." "Probably!" Basil and Aubrey walked out of the house and went over to Sunny's house. Basil opened the door, and Aubrey nervously stood outside. "You know we can enter? Sunny doesn't mind." Aubrey scratched the back of her neck and smiled. Aubrey walked in and saw Sunny sitting on the couch. "Hi Sunny!"

He turned around and hugged Basil. "Do you want to have a sleepover with us?" Aubrey leaned onto the wall  next to her. Sunny nodded. "Yay! Thank you, Sunny!"
Sunny had had a nap and only woke up to his alarm. He sat up and slipped on his shoes. Leaving his house to go to Aubrey's house, he felt a little glad. As he approached the door, the door opened, and Aubrey jumped onto him. "Sunny! I'm glad you're here!" Sunny brung her closer. "Hey guys! I have food!" Aubrey let go and ran in, Sunny following behind her, closing the door behind him.

The room was full of people Sunny knew, being Aubrey, Kel, Hero, and Basil. It looked better than her expected. "My mum is....away for now, so I cleaned up!" Sunny sat down on the couch, joined by Kel, who wrapped his arm around Sunny's shoulder. Sunny rested his head on Kel's shoulder. "Oh, are you having a nap?" Sunny started to fall asleep. "Well then, have a good sleep!"

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